o n e → accidental video

Oct 29, 2011 22:31

[ A small animal hand covers a portion of the shot while a young bald monk and the fluffy white fur he is laying on take up the rest. The device is tilted and in constant motion while Aang's pet flying lemur, Momo examines it thoroughly. The familiar sound of the lemur speaking in his own language is what stirs Aang from his peaceful slumber. ( Read more... )

game: polychromatic

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voice; seesbydoing October 30 2011, 04:38:49 UTC
[ Toph never forgets a voice. And she'd definitely never forget this one. ]

Geez, Twinkletoes, you're going to make me deaf! [ But she's laughing, she's happy. Aang is here! ]


action; 100yearsgone November 4 2011, 22:19:28 UTC
Oh... I guess it's lucky I didn't have to trade anything this time. [ Haha. That's what he thinks.

Aang takes one step into the metal box, looking up and around the thing, and then back at Appa. ] Is it okay to leave Appa, here? [ Now he's look at Toph again. ]


action; seesbydoing November 5 2011, 03:16:16 UTC
[ Toph waves a hand. ] Oh yeah, no problem. I don't think anyone will bother him. And later we can go out to the park. It's huge, full of grass. He'll be thrilled.


action; 100yearsgone November 5 2011, 03:56:33 UTC
Okay. [ Turning back to Appa. ] Sorry, buddy. I'll tell you all about it as soon as we come back. [ Though the bison looks content enough thinking about visiting a park later.

Aang steps into the elevator all the way, smiling and waving at Appa when the door closes on it's own. Whoa. Wide eyes. He's never seen anything like that before. He looks at the buttons curiously and jumps when the entire thing starts moving. ]

Whoa! How is it moving? [ Are there some kind of metal benders working behind the scene? Could people here even do that? ]


action; seesbydoing November 6 2011, 01:25:34 UTC
[ Toph shrugs. She puts a hand on the wall and feels the metal surrounding them, trying to figure out how to explain it. She isn't quite sure herself, after all, since not all of the components are made from metal or wood. ]

It's like the device thing. Machines, but machines that even Sokka wouldn't have thought of. This one has like a pulley system in it, I think, but a really strong one.

This world is a LOT different from ours, Twinkletoes. And some people you ask will just laugh, because it's normal to them. Normal! It seems ridiculous to me.


action; 100yearsgone November 6 2011, 02:28:47 UTC
[ Aang makes a mental note to keep the questions to a minimum around new people he meets. He doesn't want to be laughed at. ] This whole place seems ridiculous! The ropes pulling this thing must be made out of metal or something else crazy strong.

[ He presses his knuckles against the metal. Maybe they use a lot of it here. In that case... ] You gotta teach me how to metalbend, Toph!

[ Excited, Aang does one of the stupidest things anyone can do in an elevator and jumps. There's more hop to it than anything, but the whole metal box still shakes. He didn't know that would happen! Toph only said she thinks it uses a pulley system. ] SORRY!


action; seesbydoing November 6 2011, 23:37:52 UTC
[ Toph stumbles, grabbing Aang by the arm to steady herself, although he's probably not any steadier than her. ]

I'll teach you how to metalbend when you're ready, Twinkletoes. And definitely not if you're going to mess up elevators. [ She punches him on the arm. ]

[ What else should he know? Well.... ] Anyway, stop hopping around, I have to tell you something else you're not going to like.

[ Like the fact that your girlfriend is seeing someone else. ]


action; 100yearsgone November 7 2011, 04:01:09 UTC
[ He makes a sad face and winces at the punch, rubbing the spot on his arm where she hit him. ]

Okay. What is it?


action; seesbydoing November 7 2011, 20:31:31 UTC
[ She pulls her words like she pulls punches: that is, she doesn't. ]

Katara's been here longer than me, and mostly you haven't. She's got a boyfriend. [ She pauses for a moment. ] You were pretty upset before, so I figured I better warn you.


action; 1/idk 100yearsgone November 7 2011, 20:52:42 UTC
100yearsgone November 7 2011, 20:54:23 UTC
[ Right now Aang's really glad Toph can't see, because his cheeks are red and he's not sure what to think. The first thing he remembers is that people are from different times. ]


100yearsgone November 7 2011, 20:56:29 UTC
What are you talking about? I wasn't upset, and I'm not now. [ Well if that isn't a bold faced lie... Maybe it's a good thing he's not remembering Toph's special lie detecting ability in this particular moment. ] Katara's free to do whatever she wants and have any boyfriend she want. [ He wants to mean that more than he feels it. Thankfully Katara taught him a valuable lesson on boundaries. All he can do is not be awkward about it.

He shrugs, casually and unconvincingly. ] I don't care, she's one of my best friends and that will never change.


OMG I AM SO SORRY last one >< 100yearsgone November 7 2011, 20:59:11 UTC
[ He may he sulking just a tiny bit, with his arms crossed. ]

Besides, I think Katara's "boyfriend" is the least of our problems. [ That's also true, but he still says boyfriend like it's a stupid word. ] We need to find a way out of here.


XD it's all good seesbydoing November 9 2011, 05:56:18 UTC
[ Toph pauses. And rolls her eyes. But okay, she'll roll with it. ]

Yeah, about that. It's... well, no one can figure out how to leave on purpose. You think I'd hang around if I knew a way out?


Re: XD it's all good 100yearsgone November 9 2011, 06:02:19 UTC
Just because no one's found a way out yet, doesn't mean there isn't one. We can't just give up, can we?


seesbydoing November 9 2011, 06:06:58 UTC
I don't know where to start. [ She hates to admit it; hates to admit that she's been lazy all this time simply because she's overwhelmed, and the more she learns the less she knows. It's all... this is not a problem that can be solved by bending earth. But it is a problem that can be solved by waiting, and Toph is a master of neutral jing. She will chose a striking point, but she doesn't know when or what it will be. ]

This City. It's really big, as big as Ba Sing Se, I bet, but it's also surrounded by a wall. I don't think most people can see it, but I can feel it with my earthbending. It's like we're trapped under a bowl here. Appa's not going to smack into it by accident or something, it's really high. But it's still there.

And someone broke through a while back, but there's... there's nothing out there. A lot of people got sick from it, too.

So basically, I'm open to ideas.


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