o n e → accidental video

Oct 29, 2011 22:31

[ A small animal hand covers a portion of the shot while a young bald monk and the fluffy white fur he is laying on take up the rest. The device is tilted and in constant motion while Aang's pet flying lemur, Momo examines it thoroughly. The familiar sound of the lemur speaking in his own language is what stirs Aang from his peaceful slumber. ( Read more... )

game: polychromatic

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voice; seesbydoing October 30 2011, 04:38:49 UTC
[ Toph never forgets a voice. And she'd definitely never forget this one. ]

Geez, Twinkletoes, you're going to make me deaf! [ But she's laughing, she's happy. Aang is here! ]


action; seesbydoing October 31 2011, 19:45:25 UTC
[ Toph started out walking, but swiftly changed to running. She'd missed Aang a lot since he'd left. He'd really helped her feel better after Sokka left, and since Katara was often busy with other things, they'd spent a lot of time together. She had been a little lonely after he disappeared. ]

[ But as soon as she got close enough to feel that Appa was around (or for someone to feel her nearby), she forced herself to slow down and regulate her breathing. It was no good to let Aang know her concern. He didn't even remember being here last time. ]

Hey, Twinkletoes, you brought the whole crew with you!


action; 100yearsgone November 1 2011, 06:19:57 UTC
She's close! I can feel it. [ He moves a bit further away from the fountain, following what his feet feel, Appa and Momo following behind him. It's funny how excited he is to see her considering he only saw her yesterday. Aang can't help but think of the possibility that he, Appa, and Momo were asleep for a long time before being brought here, and that's only before he thinks of all of the other possibilities. Thankfully before he can panic he spots Toph in the distance. ]

I couldn't leave without these guys. [ Literally. ] It's good to see you, Toph. [ Before Momo can jump off of Aang's shoulders and land on Toph's, Appa attempts to send an affectionate lick her way. Guess Aang isn't the only one super excited to see Toph. ]


action; seesbydoing November 1 2011, 23:48:38 UTC
[ Toph is bowled over by Appa's cheerful greeting, and although it leaves her warmly damp and a little grossed out, she just has to laugh. ] I missed you too, Appa. [ She pats him. Maybe they hadn't been the best of friends when they were traveling, but she's pretty fond of the old beast anyway. ]


action; 100yearsgone November 2 2011, 05:26:38 UTC
[ Aang can't help but laugh a bit before he hugs her himself. She's been here for a year, it must have been rough. He is glad at the very least to be her for her and Katara. He steps back smiling and decides to start in on a lighter subject. ]

A girl named Charlie told me that she works for you at the Jasmine Dragon! Do you run the place? [ It's still pretty impressive that she's got people working for her. ]


action; seesbydoing November 2 2011, 16:21:17 UTC
[ Toph has a stubborn cast to her shoulders. ] Until Iroh comes back. [ She's determined that he will. ] He and Zuko left a little while ago. [ She is not going to look sad okay. >| Probably. ]

And now you can work for me too! [ Ahahaha. ]


action; 100yearsgone November 2 2011, 18:49:39 UTC
[ Maybe the tea shop isn't the best starting place. Toph misses Iroh and Zuko, he can tell. ]

Me? Really? Just like that I'm already hired? [ He's both happy and unsure. Toph's tough as a teacher, it'll be interesting to see how she does as a boss. ]


action; seesbydoing November 2 2011, 22:42:36 UTC
Well, sure. I know I can trust you. [ She starts leading him back towards the apartment. ] So what's going on? What just happened for you?

[ She needs to establish a timeline, she thinks. Very important. ]


action; 100yearsgone November 3 2011, 04:29:15 UTC
I remember going to bed after playing Pai Sho with Iroh. The only thing I can think of after that is waking up here. We were all together in Ba Sing Se, but you said you've been here for a year. How is that even possible? It hasn't even been a year since the war ended, not even close. [ Of course, Aang is distracted by the things around him as he follows Toph through the city. Appa follows closely behind Aang while Momo goes to settle himself around Toph's shoulders. ]


action; seesbydoing November 3 2011, 12:55:59 UTC
Oh, good, we're from about the same time. [ She rolls her eyes. ] Time is really weird here, so we're not always that lucky.

[ She scratches Momo's ears and tries to think of what else to tell him. ] I guess the best way to think of it is, this place doesn't really exist. Sort of. When you or I go home, we won't remember it. That doesn't mean you can do anything -- it's not like a dream world... at least mostly... but whatever you do doesn't come home with you.

You were here before, Twinkletoes, and you don't even remember.


action; 100yearsgone November 3 2011, 19:12:44 UTC
I was? [ Toph just hit him with a lot of information. He wants to ask her so many questions, but the last bit stumps him for a minute. He also wants to force his mind to remember something, but it's impossible. ] You're right... I don't remember anything. [ He looks down at his feet, trying to see if he can feel anything vaguely familiar. Absolutely nothing. He takes a deep breath. ]

If this place doesn't exist.. [ At least as far as their own home is concerned. ] Then how do we account for all of the time we spend here? Or does the time not exist? Do we return to the same spot in time?


action; seesbydoing November 3 2011, 19:48:41 UTC
Same place in time. At least, that's what I think. I left once and came back after a while, and you probably don't remember me talking about being kidnapped to some crazy place called the City, do you? I don't think it changed anything.

Some people even want to stay here because it's like that. [ She shrugs. ] I think they're weird, though.

You keeping up, Twinkletoes? [ She smiles crookedly. It's a lot to take in, she knows. ]


action; 100yearsgone November 3 2011, 20:06:37 UTC
[ For now, he's not going to kill himself trying to figure out how any of this is possible and just accept that it is. ]

Yeah. I think so. [ He's been listening? ] I feel a little bit better about being here. [ Which is true, as long as nothing back home is disturbed. ]

So, do you live in an apartment in one of these bigger buildings, Toph? [ He's still looking at them in slight awe. ]


action; seesbydoing November 4 2011, 01:07:14 UTC
[ Toph nods. ] Yeah, although I don't like it up high much. It might not be a bad idea to move now that Appa's here again. He's not going to fit in any of these doors.

[ And, okay, she sleeps outside sometimes when she can get away with it. ]

Come on, I'll show you this weird thing called an elevator. All of the machines here are really advanced.


action; 100yearsgone November 4 2011, 06:40:34 UTC
What kind of place did we live in last time I was here? [ Since he's assuming Appa was here too.

He's following close behind Toph, curious to see what this elevator is and a little curious about the other machines. He resists the urge to ask her right now, deciding it would be better to see himself.]


action; seesbydoing November 4 2011, 13:28:37 UTC
Here too, but Appa didn't show up until later. You traded for him. The deities do that sometimes, but they never give anyone a good deal.

[ Tada, it's an elevator! Please, join Toph in this small metal box. ]


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