Prompt #37- bright, tight, wow
Title: Party
Sequel in
Wizard’s WorldAuthor: charisstoma
Word count: 100
Etzlaub, ‘Vestor, Mercad, Elliott - 4 little kittens all grown up and away at school.
**** they’re legal at this age**** catnip is a drug ****
The “familiar porn’ of their parents had been speedily ejected from the machine and it had taken a while before their friends had been able to get the felines back to human form. Perhaps this was eased by the pre-arranged potent catnip that one of them had brought and some pre-planned petting. Soon there were soft “wow”s and groans at applied barbed tongues. Someone dimmed the bright lights and there followed clenched teeth growling moans of “tight.”
Wizard wantabes being what they are, they couldn’t but feel that the accidental bringing of ‘family home’ videos to school were wondrously instructive.