[Drabble] If a song could get me you {Lost}

Dec 30, 2010 08:37

TITLE: If a song could get me you
AUTHOR: nicis_anatomy

CHARACTER: Juliet Burke
GENRE: gen, angst

SUMMARY: Juliet loved "Downtown", but even that song lost its charm eventually ... Written for prompt #65 "Song" for lost_in_108 and prompt #014 "(Feeling) Blue" for 100_tales.

WARNING: English still isn't my native language ( ( Read more... )

{community} lost_in_108, {fandom} lost, {format} drabble, {community} 100_tales, {feature} juliet burke

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Comments 11

lormats December 30 2010, 12:29:25 UTC
It's sad :( but so beautifully written. Your muse is behaving, let's hope she'll stay that way :)


nicis_anatomy December 31 2010, 07:58:32 UTC
Thank you very much ;) This song was the first thing I had in mind when I read the prompt *g*
I hope my muse will stay - though I don't have high hopes *sighs*


mustaza December 30 2010, 13:54:14 UTC
Now, I understand how you're feeling. Spanish is my real native language, not English. About the story? Well, it's an interesting explanation of a song and Jueliet's situation :)


nicis_anatomy December 31 2010, 07:59:22 UTC
It's not always easy. Sometimes I feel very much like Jin ;)
I'm glad you find it interesting. Thank you!


whatismuch December 30 2010, 19:14:47 UTC
Great idea to answer the prompt and to use the song!


nicis_anatomy December 31 2010, 08:00:06 UTC
Thank you! When I saw the prompt I just had to write something using this song/scene ;)


pann_cake December 30 2010, 21:10:32 UTC
Lovely, as always! The "Downtown" scene in season 3 is still one of my favorite LOST scenes ever, and I love how much you make it say about Juliet. I actually heard this song at work today on the radio, and I got all excited! :P

Glad to see you back in the comm, dearie. :D


nicis_anatomy December 31 2010, 08:01:49 UTC
Thank you ;) Yes, mine too. I loved it and ever since I watched it I can't stop listening to "Downtown". I even have it as a wake up alarm on my phone lol Insane, I know ...

I hope I will be back. My muse is ... well, pretty much absents these days :(

Oh, and I (finally) got your card. Thank you very much! I love it.


meridian_rose January 9 2011, 11:31:43 UTC
Poor Juliet :( Nice work though!


nicis_anatomy January 9 2011, 19:04:26 UTC
Thank you ;)


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