TITLE: I won't let you down
FANDOM: The X-Files
CHARACTER: Dana Scully (implied Fox Mulder/Dana Scully)
GENRE: gen, angst, episode tag for 9.10 "Providence"
SUMMARY: Dana is about to lose the one life she was trusted to protect ... Written for prompt #018 "Orange" for
100_tales and prompt #08 "Fear" for
WARNING: English still isn't my native language (although I wish) and the story is not beta'd.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters. I just borrow them from time to time to have some fun with them.
She sees the spaceship lift up in the air, surrounded by a huge, orange ball of fire so hot that it seems as if this fire is responsible for the burning inside her chest.
Her heart is on fire; desperation and fear taking over her body like flames burning down the campsite where the spaceship had been hidden in the ground for god knows how long.
Her eyes follow the tremendous ship raising up higher into the dark sky and the thought that Mulder would've loved this crosses her mind. Then the moment's over and the emptiness Mulder's left is back. Her heart is pounding hard against her chest; every single beat is like another lonely second slipping away. Seconds she has to live without the one man who's made her life complete, even before she knew it; the man she had to send away in order to keep him safe, instead of letting him help her protecting William. She's promised him she'd take care of their son, no matter what.
Realizing that she's about to lose the one life she's trusted to protect, Scully started running, knowing she can't lose William. She can't do this to herself; to Mulder.
- The End -