[Fanfiction ] What we had was only for a while, but it was worth every second

Sep 20, 2010 15:09

TITLE: What we had was only for a while, but it was worth every second
AUTHOR: nicis_anatomy

CHARACTER: Jack Shephard/Juliet Carlson, David Shephard
GENRE: het, romance, angst
SUMMARY: Although, they weren't meant to last, Jack and Juliet had a great time together. Written for theme set beta for 1sentence.

WARNING: English still isn't my native language (although I wish) and the story is not beta'd. Spoiler for season 6
DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters. I just borrow them from time to time to have some fun with them.
Note: This is set in the same universe as "Family Portrait", so some sentences could look familiar - if there is something you like in particular, tell me, and I will try to work it into the story.
I rearranged the themes to work with a timeline (just in case you wonders why there is a different order)


When Juliet finds out that Jack is more than a friend to her, she realizes how much time she’s wasted dreaming, while what she really wanted has been there all the time.

Jack asks if he can walk her to her car, and when Juliet shakes his head, his heart sinks - until she tells him, she wants him to take her home with him.

“Jack, we can’t do this,“ Juliet whispers, but Jack just pulls her with him to the illuminated pool in someone else’s backyard, deciding that being virtuous all the time makes you miss out on all the fun in life.

“Make a wish,” Jack says, pointing at the meteor shower above them, but instead Juliet leans forward and kisses him gently.

They have their first argument one month after they started dating, and Jack just lets her complain, until his silence stops her, and after a few seconds they both burst out laughing about how stupid it is to even have started arguing over what movie to watch.

“You are in a good mood,” Jack says amused, and Juliet - obviously drunk - burst out laughing like he’s never heard her laugh before; and he liked it.

“That’s silly, Jack,” Juliet says, shaking his head as he tries to convince her it’s his fault she’s tripped over the root, twisting her ankle, when actually her own stupidity is responsible for the injury - not his attempt to kiss her while they were running their rounds in the park; but that might have helped.

The competition amongst the residents is so tough that they, sometimes, feel like in the middle of a war zone; but their love is a welcomed (and most-needed) sanctuary.

Sharing his lunch with Juliet isn’t even something Jack has to think about, after he finds out that there’s only one yogurt pot left in the fridge; together everything tastes twice as good as eating alone, anyway.

Juliet wraps her arms around him from behind, almost making him jump, but when he feels her lips on his neck, he just closes his eyes, taking in the sensation of her lips wandering over the sensible skin right below his ear.

Jack smiles as Juliet moves against him, moaning his names and showing him how much she enjoys the way his hands trail over her body.

“How does it feel, Dr. Carlson?” Jack asks smirking as he watches her stare in awe at her shiny new white coat with her name embroidered above the front pocket.

Whiskey and Rum
Jack sees the half empty bottle in Juliet’s hand and before he even meets her eyes he knows something terrible has happened.

All day long he’s pretended to have forgotten about her birthday and it has hurt him even more than Juliet, but the surprised look on her face when she comes home (hearing all of her friends shout ‘surprise!’) makes all of it worth it.

“Do you give in?“ he asks, trying to find new places to tickles her, but instead of surrendering she surprises him with new gained strength as she rolls him over on his back, paying him back everything, until he is the one begging her to stop.

“I just need to buy some groceries,” Juliet tells him on the way to the car, but three hours later they are still in the mall and Jack realizes that he hates shoe stores.

“Rachel, I want Jack to move in with us for a while,” Juliet tells her sister and from the look in her eyes Rachel can tell that this living arrangement won’t be just something temporarily; she decides to go house hunting soon.

“You are a natural,” Juliet says after she’s tastes one of the muffins Jack made earlier, deciding that, from now on, baking would be his duty in their household.

Sometimes, Jack feels like standing on a balcony, watching another man living his life; he just can’t believe what he’s done to deserve so much luck in his life.

Jack knows that, one day, his trust issues will ruin everything, but the longer he is with Juliet the safer he feels; she just doesn’t give him any reason at all to not trust her.

After he and Juliet met, Jack starts seeing life in a different light and he discovers things he didn’t know even exist, and on the day she confesses to him that she feels the same, she makes him the happiest man in the world.

Walking down the street with a bunch of red balloons in his hand doesn’t feel embarrassing at all, and the imagination of what he is about to do fills his heart with joy - although, it makes him also nervous, thinking that there is still a slight chance she might say ‘no’.

Jack is on his knees when he popes the question and before he’s finished, Juliet has joined him, kissing him passionately and even hours later he can still feel the taste of her salty tears on his lips, proofing him it really happened.

Still overwhelmed by his proposal, Juliet just can’t take her eyes off of the engagement ring, happy tears start running down her cheeks again, every time she recalls this special moment.

Standing in front of the mirror Jack tries to come up with something particularly original for his wedding vows, but he knows, no matter what he says … nothing sounds good enough to explain how much he loves Juliet and how happy she makes him every day.

Juliet has been to a few weddings before, and as every girl she’s spend her life dreaming of the perfect wedding - marrying Jack makes this dreams come true.

The first dance they share on their wedding day is a slow waltz, danced to their song, and both, Jack and Juliet, wish for time to stop to make it last forever.

“I told you we are lost,” Juliet says an amused smile on her face as Jack stops the car in the middle of nowhere; finally admitting that asking for directions could be helpful, sometimes.

Jack likes the way Juliet’s blond hair changes in the sunlight and when it does he is certain that Juliet must be some kind of angel, sent down to earth to safe him; but it’s only years later that he learns he was right all the time.

It amazes Jack every time how different Juliet is when she is drunk and how easy it is for her to relax and make fun of herself, once she had one drink too many; he wishes he could let go so easily.

“Do you believe in miracles?“ a colleague asks him one day during their lunch break, and thinking of how his life has changed ever since he’s met Juliet, Jack doesn’t even need to hesitate when he nods.

The burning desire Juliet feels every time Jack isn’t with her, scares her, but when he confesses to her that he feels the same, she’s filled with joy and pure happiness.

It breaks his heart to see Juliet cry, but when he walks over to her to pull her into his arms he sees the pregnancy test lying on the table in front of her, and he realizes that there is nothing heart-breaking about this moment.

There are days during her pregnancy that Juliet wishes she’d never slept with Jack at all; it would have spared her all the misery, the depression and the feeling to be just fat and ugly; but the feeling vanishes as soon as Jack comes home telling her she’s (still) the most beautiful woman in the world.

Exhausted but overwhelmed by how lucky they are, Juliet smiles down at her newborn son, carefully taking in every part of his tiny body and his beautiful face - already a perfect image of his father.

The nights Juliet has to work in the hospital, while Jack stays at home with David, are the longest and loneliest - for both of them.

Every time Jack watches their little son he is surprised how wonderful life is, ever since he’s met Juliet (and David).

There is nothing more he could look forwards to during a long day in the hospital, then going home, slipping under the covers and listening to Juliet and David’s breathing.

The quiet house the first night David spends at a friend’s house leaves them both with an empty feeling in their stomachs, and Jack (aware of her silent tears) holds Juliet all night, until she finally falls asleep.

„Give that back!“ David shouts at the small girl who stole his blue shovel from him, and both, Jack and Juliet (a proud smile on their faces) watch as the little girl lowers her head and returns the shovel to their tiny hero.

Jack follows Juliet into the living room where three-year old David - simmering with excitement - is waiting for his birthday cake, and although Jack hates singing he joins Juliet as she started to sing “Happy Birthday”.

Jack is surprised as he watches his son flipping through a comic book, his chin resting on his tiny fist and one leg tucked under him, sitting there in the same way Jack used to read his comic when he was David’s age; but instead of telling David to sit straight (like his own father used to rebuke him) he just smiles and ruffles David’s dark hair.

“Don’t worry, honey,” Juliet says taking his hand as they watch David enter the classroom for the first time in his life, “he will be fine.”

“Jason picked on David again,” Juliet tells Jack one night and, recalling how he’s felt in David’s age (ashamed and lonely, after his father hadn’t offered him any support) he decides it would be time to have a talk with Jason’s parents.

The day David tells them he doesn’t like to go to baseball practice again, Jack doesn’t need Juliet’s warning look telling him he should go easy on his son; he would’ve done it anyway, knowing how it feels to be treated otherwise.

David is only eight years old, but he already knows that it is Daddy’s fault that Mommy is crying, and he wishes Daddy would just say he is sorry to make her stop.

David tries not to pick sides when his parents have one of their arguments, but they make it hard for him and the more time passes the more he is sure that he should be on Mommy’s side - especially, since his dad rather spends his time working than being home with him (and Mommy).

They never really fight (not in the way other couples do) and their divorce is based on a mutual agreement that it was time for a change, but when she gets full custody of David it still feels like a victory - one Juliet can’t enjoy; she’s too worried about how Jack might deal with it.

The day the judge decides about David’s custody is the hardest and darkest day in Jack’s life, and all he can do is fake a smile (for his son’s sake), go home and share his pain with Johnny (Walker).

Although they are divorced for three yeas now, Juliet and Jack stay in touch (not only for David); knowing the other near by gives them the confidence they both need, that there is always someone they can count on - no matter what.

- The End -

{feature} juliet_jack, {community} 1sentence, {format} sentences, {fandom} lost, {feature} jack shephard, {feature} david shephard, {feature} juliet burke

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