Growing Circumstances, Kira/Cagalli, Gundam SEED/Destiny, #24 - Ouch!

Mar 25, 2006 23:51

Title: Growing Circumstances
Author: whitelilies22
Pairing: Kira/Cagalli
Fandom: Gundam SEED/Destiny
Theme: #24 - Ouch!
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don’t own Gundam SEED/ Destiny or any of its characters. All works written in this entry is purely fictional.


She shouldn’t have taken that day off last week. But who thought missing one day of work would pile up to what Cagalli Yula Attha had to do on this particular day?

Frustration built up inside and sadly, she didn’t have a pillow around her office for releasing her anger on. After emitting a sound of annoyance, the blonde let her forehead fall on her desk.

Having a thick pile of papers to weaken her impact could be seen as a good thing but also as something negative. That’s how much work she had to do on a sunny Tuesday afternoon.


An unexpected knock on her door had Cagalli sit up straight and fixing her hair. After she was sure she looked decent, the Head Representative of Orb authorized whoever it was to enter.

Instead of those other representatives she expected to see come in through the doorway, her blue haired bodyguard entered. Letting out a sigh of relief, Cagalli let her head drop back to its previous position.


His voice was so much more different than Kira’s but it still gave her a sense of comfort when she heard it. She supposed her position beckoned him to come closer and she felt a little happy about that.


Her auburn eyes looked up to his scanning emerald ones. She followed his gaze to her desk and wasn’t surprised at all with his expression. The blonde didn’t really tell anyone she had this much work to complete before the end of the day.

“You should get out more.”

She frowned at his statement before jerking her head back to him. That didn’t make sense but he had a heartfelt smile etched to his face and she almost smiled back. But instead of actually doing so, Cagalli went back to writing some things down after she found her pen.

“The reason I have so much work to do is because I went out. Last week, remember?”

She didn’t mean for the sentence to come out so dry…well she did but not to that degree. Glancing back up at Athrun, she found that he gave her an inquisitive look before walking over to the rather large window located behind her.

“You give in so easily to Kira.”

That statement had caught her off guard and the pen that she wrote with showed her surprise. A nice, messy scribble sat on the middle of a white order form. Last Thursday’s scenario had popped into her mind so suddenly.


The said woman jumped at her name being called. Without so much as a knock, her office door burst open, revealing a brown haired male.

The blonde frowned at her younger brother’s actions and watched as he half ran, half walked to her desk. A bouncy Kira wasn’t something she was really used to seeing nowadays. She was used to someone who was more mature and quiet.

He slammed his hands on her desk, upsetting her coffee. His eyes widened slightly and he quickly searched the workplace for something to wipe the mess with.

Cagalli sighed at his behaviour and congratulated herself for keeping her anger in. She didn’t find any material either and settled for using her burgundy sleeve.

“Sorry…” Kira grinned childishly and rubbed his neck. He watched as his sister folded her arms and nodded for him to give his reason as to why he was here.

“Let’s go to the beach.” Cagalli raised an eyebrow at his transforming grin. It changed from childish to plain Kira. “You’ve been working really hard lately, right?”

All the 17 year old could do was stare at him. He placed his palms face down on the desk and waited patiently for her answer. Surprisingly, the blonde found herself agreeing to his offer.

He was someone special, after all.


“…I didn’t think that taking a day off would be that bad, Athrun. It seems that I was wrong.”

As she spoke, Cagalli tried to fix the mess she made with the pen. Frowning after seeing she couldn’t fix it, the blonde crumpled it up and threw it on the ground beside her.

“You had a good time with us right? At the beach? And you weren’t tired at all and Kira told me that you accomplished quite a bit of things when coming back. So why don’t we go out again and try to get that energy?”

She felt a little uncomfortable with Athrun gazing at her. No one else really knew how deeply she and Kira felt for each other. And they weren’t about to let others know about it anytime soon.

So maybe that was why she didn’t like Athrun looking at her. He was one that expressed his feelings through his eyes majority of the time, being the quiet boy that he was.

“I-I don’t think so Athrun…I…have a lot of work to do…”

Slowly, Cagalli thought, her bond with Athrun was breaking. And in its place, the bond she shared with Kira was growing.

“I see…maybe I should have Kira come in and talk to you. Then you’d go, right?”

His tone came out little dry, making the blonde a little suspicious. Did he…have an idea? She looked at him and found him starring out the window. The corners of his mouth were turned downwards.

She frowned at his behaviour. The blue haired male had never acted like this with her before. Her auburn eyes followed his gaze and expressed surprised when it settled on the beach.

“How’s your foot doing?”
“It’s fine now…it was a week ago that I hurt.” Her tone was quiet and soft, a little happy that he was concerned for her.

That was where were the four of them had gone that day. Cagalli closed her eyes slightly and drifted back to remember the events that had happened during those hours.


Auburn eyes watched a slim figure, clad in a one piece purple bathing suit, breathe in the ocean air right in front of her. Her pink hair swayed lightly in the afternoon breeze. The girl then looked back at her with a content smile on.

“Cagalli-san, does it feel good to be away from all that paperwork?”

Lacus asked, placing a strand of pink behind her ear as she did so. Cagalli, who was sitting on top of a blanket underneath the beach umbrella the other two had set up, looked up at the sky, stretched out her arms and lay flat on her back before answering her friend.

“Yeah…should I feel guilty for saying so?”
“Does Cagalli-san not work hard everyday?”

The blonde placed her hands behind her head before tilting it forward to see Lacus.

“Then,” The older girl’s blue eyes turned back out towards the ocean. “Cagalli-san shouldn’t feel guilty. But if you still do,” She looked back at Cagalli, “Then work twice as hard.”

The 17 year old tipped her head back, closed her eyes and smiled slightly. “Thanks.” A minor chuckle met her ears instead of words. It was times like these that she really appreciated Lacus for being her friend.


Both females looked to their left and giggled at the other two males. They were both running towards them with Kira having a beach ball in his arms and Athrun carrying towels.

“Did you two want to play volleyball or swim first?”

Kira asked, looking back and forth between the two girls. Athrun walked over to Cagalli and placed the towels by her head. Upon seeing her auburn eyes on him, the emerald eyed boy grinned and poked the other on the nose.

“What would you like to do first, Princess?”

Cagalli’s eyebrow twitched and she flicked him lightly on the forehead, “Don’t call me that.” She said in a monotone voice, earning a chuckle from him.

“The beach is relatively empty today, isn’t it?” Kira observed.
“Well, it is a weekday after all so I’m sure that the adults are still at work right now.” Lacus put in, walking over to Kira’s side.

“Right…so should we go swim first?” The brown haired male asked, looking at the other two.
Cagalli sighed; she didn’t want to go into the water yet because the sun felt so good on her exposed arms and legs.
“Why don’t we take the ball in too?” Athrun asked, standing up and offering his hand to Cagalli. She shook her head and sank a little further into the blanket.

“I don’t want to go in yet. You guys go ahead.” She closed her eyes and the orange glow of the sun settled in.
“Come on Cagalli, let’s go play.” The said girl opened an eye and waved her hand at her brother, indicating that they should go on.

They did as she motioned them to do then Cagalli returned to her sleep like state. A few minutes later, the blonde felt something plop on her cheek and roll down. Her eyes fluttered open and she found a grinning and wet Kira looking down on her.

“Let’s go.”

He held out his hand for her and she timidly took it. As he pulled her up, the brown haired male whispered in her ear, making her blush at the comment.

“You look good in that two piece.”

He smirked and pulled her towards the ocean where Athrun and Lacus played with the ball in waist deep water. Meanwhile, Cagalli tried her best to fight off another blush. Having Kira hold her hand was something she…liked.

“Ow!” The sudden yell had Kira stop running and jerk his head towards her.

She had stepped on something and it obviously sharp, considering it dug into her skin. Because of the soaring pain travelling the length of her foot, the teenage girl lost her balance and fell backwards, letting go of the other’s hand as she fell back.


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