"Second Chances" - Morigan Alexander/Circe. Original. Theme #100 - Chance

Mar 27, 2006 21:07

Title: Second Chances
Author/Artist: laura_isaac
Pairing: Morigan Alexander/Circe
Fandom: Original
Theme: #100 - Chance
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: These characters belong to Laura Isaac (laura_isaac) and Rachel Herzog (assimbya) - do not use without expressed permission or I will set Edward Hyde on to you!
A/N: Implications of self harm, uber angst. Follows on from my story "Broken" so it would do you to read that one first before this :)
Dedication: To Rach; the Circe to my Morigan :)

Lightning flashed overhead once more but still Morigan kept walking; her head slow, rapidly numbing hands stuffed within her pockets, the rain blocking everything out, its incescent serenade lulling and disconcerting in turns. She shivered violently and not entirely from the cold but it didn't stop her from continuing to walk although as to where she was going she wasn't entirely sure, didn't really care, she could never be far enough away from others, from herself.

She slipped her hand into her top pocket bringing out the sliver of cool metal, turning it about within her fingers; letting out a slow hiss of breath that wasn't quite pain as the blade nicked her finger, the blood running almost immediately and just as quickly diluted and washed away by the rain.

So much like the last time... she thought with a bitter laugh.

She held the flat of the blade against her wrist, the sting of her earlier cuts renewing again as she shivered against the feeling, against the urge to start the cycle again, using this pain to wash away these, less welcome, kinds of oblivion.

"What are you doing?" the words were sharp, angry and a tone she was so unused to hearing from that mouth made Morigan's head snap up sharply.

"Surviving" she whispered in reply; her voice laced with so much bitterness.

"It looks like it Morigan..." strong arms wrapped around her and despite wanting to be in her embrace so badly she struggled against them, tears beginning to run down her cheeks, mixing with the rain and falling to the ground. The blade was somehow wrestled out of Morigan's grasp, the sound deafening in Morigan's ears as it clattered to the ground although she was aware it barely made a sound.

"Leave me!" she cried, sobs wracking her body, her eyes screwed shut against the tears, could not bare to see the shock and betrayal in those emerald eyes, or worse still, pity.

"I'm going nowhere Morigan, you should know me well enough by now to know this, even if you know, or do not wish to believe anything else..." Circe's voice was soft now, although it still held that note of anger that cut Morigan to the bone.

"But you did! I begged you Circe, I got down on my knees and I begged you to stay and you still walked away, you still left me Circe and I can't do it, I can't do this without you..." she wasn't even entirely sure that Circe could hear her, the rain mixed with her own sobs impossibly loud to her ears.

"No... I needed time to think, I wasn't intending to be gone long, but when I came back you'd gone..."

"We were fate Circe, we were fate! I thought we were forever... I guess she was right..."

"Who?" the one word made Morigan shudder.

"Calypso..." Morigan murmured, opening her eyes and meeting Circe's for the first time.

"I'm here now am I not?"

"Maybe so but only out of pity, obligation..." she found herself shaking violently again although she did not struggle against Circe now, although she wished away from a touch she had always believed in, a touch that had always comforted, the only touch that had never, ever lied to her.

"No... out of love Morigan! I love you! I never stopped, I don't think I could even if I wanted to! Its just so difficult..."

"You think I don't know this?" she snapped before she could stop herself.

"Of course I know, love! Its one of the main reasons I fell for you in the first place... you know what its like to suffer, to attempt to conquer and put away those fears..."

"You kept them at bay Circe, for so long you kept the demons at bay... and I love you so much but I'm not stable, I'm not strong enough for this, to protect you..." her shivering was alot more pronounced now, her words muffled, her eyes lowered.

"No Morigan, you're strong, stronger than anyone I have ever met, you just need to believe it... all those times with Hades, I have never seen anyone stand up infront of him like you, even when you were comletely beaten down you never gave up... you never gave up, because we had this" Circe bent her head and kissed Morigan deeply.
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