Called Hope / Molly-Carey / So Weird / #7 The look in your eyes

Mar 27, 2006 17:41

Title: Called Hope
Author/Artist: Tablyn24
Pairing: Molly Phillips/Carey Bell
Fandom: So Weird
Theme: #7 "The look in your eyes"
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don’t own the rights to these characters, they are Disney’s property.

He finally found her leaning against the brick wall, sipping from a to go coffee cup, doubting it actually held coffee. He approaches her slowly and quietly,

"What do you want Carey?" She asks staring straight ahead at the parking lot empty of all but the two buses.

"I wanted to know if you were alright, I was worried about you." He tells her standing in place, not sure of her reaction if he came closer.

"I am fine, I just need some time alone."

"But Molly it’s freezing out here!" She turns to him, eye brows raised in confusion, still forgetting that he now called her something besides Mrs. Phillips or Mrs. P. The funny thing was she told him to.

"I’ll be fine Carey, I have dealt with much worse. Much worse." She said the last words with a distant in her voice, as if her mind was reaching towards a memory or even memories better left alone. He takes the few steps closer stopping right next to her, smelling the drink that certainty wasn’t coffee.

"I am worried about you. Is there anything that I can do?" He asks placing his hand gently on her shoulder, which she steps away from with a sigh.

"That’s sweet of you Carey, really it is. But no, Unless you can convince the record label not break the contract and put everything back together."

"Hey my mom said not to worry about that, she’ll have it all straighten out in a few days."

"It doesn’t matter, the damage has been done already I should go home now, we all should." It had been months since Carey witnessed her depression, and at this degree of despair. He hated her like this, and himself for not being able to do a damn thing.

"It will be better I promise. Don’t ask me how, just trust me, okay?"

"It’s not that simple, Carey."

"I said do you trust me?" She turns towards him again, locking into his eyes and finding something that wasn’t there before, something that she felt had a name, but couldn’t remember what exactly.

"Yes I do." Than she remembered, it was called hope.
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