"Snow" - Morigan Alexander/Circe. Original. Theme #8 - Snow days

Mar 27, 2006 21:33

Title: Snow
Author/Artist: laura_isaac
Pairing: Morigan Alexander/Circe
Fandom: Original
Theme: #8 - Snow Days
Rating: G
Disclaimer: These characters belong to Laura Isaac (laura_isaac) and Rachel Herzog (assimbya) - do not use without expressed permission or I will set Edward Hyde on to you!
Dedication: To Rach; the Circe to my Morigan :)

The whole place was white as they stepped outside. Snow clung to the branches of the trees and had settled on the ground making everything calm and beautiful. Morigan's eyes sparkled as she looked up to the heavens and the flakes drifted down onto her face. There had not been been much snow in the slums of inner London so when it came now it held an almost child-like fascination. Circe chuckled as she watched her loving, tutting and shaking her head.

"What?" Morigan said, smiling and feigning innocence.

"You!" came the reply as Circe kissed her on the nose and smiled.
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