Title: Sadness Characters: Ginny, Hermione. Rating: G Medium: Pencil (Lápiz). A/N: Ginny and Hermione. Ginny is sad, Hermione is trying to comfort her. Started as random profile drawing, ended up like this. I love it :D.
Title: A Day Late Rating: PG-13 Characters/Pairing: Ernie, Lavender Word Count: 200 Prompt: Double Drabble 5 - Song Title at huff100 Here's the song I used: A Day Late (by Anberlin
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I never realized how much I write about Gryffindors (being a die-hard Ravenclaw who writes about Hufflepuffs) but thought I would share this story I recently wrote here. I'll have drabbles soon!
Title: String of Girls Characters: Fred, George Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 631