Title: Endear You To Me Part: 31 of many Fandom, Pairing The Closer, Brenda/Sharon Rating: K+ Summary: It's all the moments in between that endear you to me. Note: Adventures in high-end jewelry shopping.
Title: Endear You To Me Part: 30 of many Fandom, Pairin The Closer, Brenda/Sharon Rating: M Summary: It's all the moments in between that endear you to me. Note: Promotion part 2. Sex ahoy.
Title: Endear You To Me Part: 29 of many Fandom, Pairin The Closer, Brenda/Sharon Rating: K+ Summary: It's all the moments in between that endear you to me. Note: Sharon's promotion.
Title: Endear You To Me Part: 28 of many Fandom, Pairin The Closer, Brenda/Sharon Rating: M Summary: It's all the moments in between that endear you to me. Note: Some emotional fallout.
Title: Endear You To Me Part: 27 of many Fandom, Pairin The Closer, Brenda/Sharon Rating: PG-13.. Summary: It's all the moments in between that endear you to me. Note: Another very important conversation.
Title: Endear You To Me Part: 26 of many Fandom, Pairing The Closer, Brenda/Sharon Rating: PG-13.. Summary: It's all the moments in between that endear you to me. Note: In which a very important conversation occurs.
Title: Endear You To Me Part: 25 of many Fandom, Pairin The Closer, Brenda/Sharon Rating: PG-13 because creepy Fritz is creepy. Summary: It's all the moments in between that endear you to me. Note: Trigger warning for stalking behavior.
Title: Endear You To Me Part: 24 of many Fandom, Pairing The Closer, Brenda/Sharon Rating: PG-13 because I said. Summary: It's all the moments in between that endear you to me. Note: Back at the office...
Title: Endear You To Me Part: 23 of many Fandom, Pairing The Closer, Brenda/Sharon Rating: PG-13 for family shenanigans. Summary: It's all the moments in between that endear you to me. Note: More nasty aunt. Also, clothes porn.
Title: Endear You To Me Part: 22 of many Fandom, Pairing: The Closer, Brenda/Sharon Rating: PG-13 for family shenanigans. Summary: It's all the moments in between that endear you to me. Note: Some darling cherubs and a nasty Aunt.