Title: Good-byes Suck
Challenge: The One that Got Away
Featuring: the Sanzo Ikkou
Since I made the suggestion, I better write a drabble for it. ^_~
“I’m all packed.”
“So, you are.”
“Thank you all for everything. I’m sorry I was such a bur-”
A big white fan struck Hakkai in the head.
No one was more surprised by this act than Sanzo.
“Idiot,” Sanzo muttered to recover.
“Guess I was.” Hakkai rubbed his head.
“Don’t go,” Goku said.
They looked at Goku.
His eyes were filled with unshed tears.
Hakkai bowed his head and smiled. “I have to, Goku. I need to make up for what I’ve done.”
He got behind the wheel and drove away.
Goku did what Gojyo and Sanzo couldn’t. “HAKKAI!”