Title: Everyday life
Challenge: Can't Do Without
Featuring: the Sanzo Ikkou
Notes: this takes place before their journey to the West and before
Challenge #217 "This is delicious, Hakkai. What is it?"
"Hakkai, where's my -"
Gojyo was annoyed to see the monk and monkey at the table.
"What the hell are you two doing here?"
Sanzo looked up from his newspaper. "Breakfast." He held out his mug. Hakkai refilled the mug. Sanzo went back to reading.
“Gojyo, if you're looking for your shirt, it's in the laundry basket. I got the stains out of it. Goku, I made something called a vegetarian hash."
"It's awesome, Hakkai. It's like fried rice but it's potatoes, scambled eggs, and vegetables."
"Glad you like it, Goku."
"More please."