Title: Desecrated Bond, Condemned Soul
anoriellFandom: The Hobbit
Claim: Thorin's company
Pairing(s) and/or Character(s): Fili/Kili
Dark TimesPrompt: Crazy
Rating: Mature audience (see warnings below)
Summary: Fili is not very pragmatic nor is he quite fanciful. He is trying to be realistic. Doom awaits them at the Front Gate; it is but a matter of days - hours, even. Yet despite his dispirited heart and the sickness tainting his soul, he would spare his brother a crueler fate than what war would offer him. And so he isolates himself on this presumed last night, hoping to keep the darkness at bay. The mania. Unfortunately, destiny has something else in mind for the Durin sons.
Word count: 1320
Warnings: will lead to non-con/rape
Disclaimer: Tolkien is the consummate artist and Middle Earth is his chef d’oeuvre. I hold his work in highest regard and as such would not presume to unlawfully use his literary creations for profit. I am only borrowing from his imagination … for the pleasure of expounding on his already established genius.
Notes: N/A
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