Title: Stubbornness is a Durin Trait
chaotic_heart66 Fandom: The Hobbit
Claim: Heirs of Durin
Pairing: Fili/Kili
Table: Classic hurt/comfort
Prompt: SICK
Rating: PG13 for implied Durincest
Summary: Fili has always taken care of Kili, no matter what the situation. He's the older brother and he likes to let Kili be... well, just Kili. But when he is the one needing the attention, Fili finds out just how awful he is at being taken care of, and just how tough Kili can be without his bow or sword.
Warnings: implied incest, implied dwarfcest, implied Durincest
Word Count: 3,400
Notes: This is my first entry for the table, but also my first Hobbit fanfic. I'm keeping my fingers crossed it doesn't suck. ;)
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