More on the 5 new FLDS leaders that were busted last night.

Jul 29, 2008 11:29

Does this picture bother you?

It should. So should these because they are wedding photos.

We have the spokesman for the group, Willie Jessop. (There are... four [?] other Willie Jessops out there with the group, which is another part of the nightmare the feds/authorities are dealing with.) He's the guy I mentioned in the last post who rushed Congress and was held back by the Congressional Police.

He's also related to the interim leader while Jeffs is in prison. That would be Merril Jessop (husband of the author of "Escaped.") I'm pretty sure he's running the show completely, as Jeffs has tried to commit suicide while in prison and has admitted that he's a fraud. I think the people aren't following him anymore, but I can't get a confirmation from the private blogs I follow. His sons were a part of the 5 Wanted:

Merril Leroy Jessop (he goes by Leroy) and Raymond Merril Jessop are brothers. (Jeez, with the names!) Their daddy made a deal with Warren before he was busted to give Warren his little girl as a bride (see above picture) and Jeffs gave his daughters to these two clowns as a "thanks." You know, like how folks send a fruit basket or muffins. That, my friends, is how Willie got in charge.

Next we have a BIG FISH imo, Michael Emack. Now this guy is the guy that commissioned the DNA-destroying furnace that needed an LED readout because it was going to be in a "dark place." Who the hell needs a DNA destroying furnace? People up to no good, that's who. You can read a confession - online! These are not the smartest people - by Robert Richter, the engineer that actually built the thing on Emack's orders. Oh, but he didn't know that there was anything weird about this. Uh huh. That's a big ol' case of CYA to me. (Scroll to Anonymous, time stamp 4/08/2008 4:45pm and beyond for his confession/discussion.)

Again, and I know I keep drumming this over and over, but it bears repeating: THIS IS NOT ABOUT FREEDOM OF RELIGION. This is about human rights. If the Presbyterian Church (or [insert religion here] decided that partial drowning of infants was now the Word of God, and that all crying children should have their faces dunked in holy water to cleanse them of their demons, you wouldn't stand for it, right? (Right?)

That's a part of the FLDS "religious lifestyle."

RELIGION. Partially drowning babies. Here's a quote from Flora Jessop, who fled Willie's house. (She's a source of contention among polygamists, but I believe it's because she won't shut up. Good for her, I say.)

By Flora Jessop, in an TV interview that aired Wednesday night on Las Vegas' KBVC Channel 3 news "A practice of the FLDS[....] One of the things that they have declared is that God finds crying babies offensive, so they teach their babies not to cry between 6 and 15 months of age. They do this one of two ways: They repeatedly slap the faces of their crying babies or they hold their faces under running water. When you take away the voice of a baby, of a child, the only means of communicating that it is hungry, sick, hurting, any of those things, you own that child."

Yep, if there's one thing we can all agree on, God hates a crying child. In fact, God made them unable to communicate EXCEPT through crying so we could wreak His Vengeance on them. Praise Jesus! This is INSANE. Also, laughter is against god, because it kicks his spirit out. This is their "RELIGION."(Note: not every single member of the FLDS/YFZ branches practice this, just as all Catholics don't skip meat on Friday. But it's there.) Another family that is from the old polygamist lines is the Tennys. Carolyn Tenny tried to teach me how to train my kids to not have "temper tantrums" by what is essentially waterboarding, the technique described above. (Note: I don't do that.)

This is a cult and this whole thing in court needs to focus on human rights being taken away.

Oh, and for any authorities that may be reading, there's talk among the polygamists online that Jeffs had a secret commune in Oregon near Woodburn. My guess is it's a "re-education" camp for wayward women and a money laundering facility, but that's just my guess/inference. (And it could be the place where Rulon Allred's family used to live? Jesus, these people don't have a family tree, they have a root ball and a stem.)

The doctor for the YFZ ranch was another of the 5 arrested, and I find him one of the more repugnant. he's been arrested for not reporting abuse. Loads of broken bones - they claim there's a high number because it's a working farm, but the reports I've seen have lots of broken arms of the "twisted by an angry person" variety. Caveat: I am not a medical professional, I'm going by the opinions of others. Let's not even go into the sexual abuse that happened. None were reported because there's "no such thing." A woman (or 13 year old child) is the property of her husband, spiritual or legal, and you can do what you want to your property, so how can that be rape? Ack, awful, awful stuff.

I wish I still had contact with an old boyfriend from my days out by Colorado City who was getting a nursing degree - half of his internship were at a small medical facility out in Colorado City. They specialized in birth defects and inbreeding. I can't find the facility any more - I wonder if they closed down when everyone moved on to Texas?

Ugh. This whole lifestyle/people/cult makes me need to bathe in bleach. Absolutely reprehensible.

[ETA] Their booking photos, courtesy of cappsize's link. They look so full of themselves. Bleh.
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