Happy Birthday, airemay!I'm back in my very cold apartment (now also very stinky due to kicking on the heater) and things are just about unpacked and settled. My last day of 2012 gained two hours. Desperately needing groceries, but I want to make sure I get my usual meme in. I still intend to do a vacation recap this weekend; I get sad when I look back at
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In "Relevant to your interests" news, Benedict Cumberbatch is apparently going to be in The Hobbit. I saw a few different speculations on his role, but today's rumor is that he's voicing Smaug, which would be frelling epic.
You know those "exercise just by walking!" shoes? I think I have somehow achieved the DIY version of that in a totally normal pair of sneakers. I have weird soreness in walking-related muscles for which I have no other explanation than wearing that particular pair a few times a week. I certainly haven't been doing anything athletic. Heh. Whatever
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musicforcylons is hosting a Secret Snaps Cup meme and I actually caught this one on the first page! *g* I am yonder, and you should leave your name so I can heap anonylove on you, too.