The skies are blue, the zorb's wings are tired

Dec 31, 2011 13:10

Happy Birthday, airemay!

I'm back in my very cold apartment (now also very stinky due to kicking on the heater) and things are just about unpacked and settled. My last day of 2012 gained two hours. Desperately needing groceries, but I want to make sure I get my usual meme in. I still intend to do a vacation recap this weekend; I get sad when I look back at old journal entries and find I've skipped over things that would've been nice to have written down. There's a whole two more days for that, though.

First Lines 2011

January: Aaah, I was hoping to get this in before the reveals, but alas, earwax.

February: Fingers still crossed, but according to the weather app, it looks like my current neck of the woods is going to get off pretty easy compared to many of you with your winter/summer mayhem.

March: Yesterday felt like Tuesday, and today felt like Wednesday. This does not bode well for the rest of the week.

April: [Subject: Back from paradise] And oh, what a lovely vacation it was.

May: Happy May, friends! The weather has finally turned into something close to my happy place, here, so I'm taking advantage, both because of preference and because of guilt for what happened on Friday.

June: Oh dear, behind again. Happy belated birthdays to those I missed! I hope they were excellent.

July: I managed to leave work by five today, which leaves me off the hook for four glorious days.

August: Still not Pottermored, but the percentage of my kitchen table that is visible table surface is now significantly greater than the percentage that was...pile. Winning FO SHO.

September: I don't like being a weekend only LJ poster, but that's how it's been. I read every day, except on the rare social evening (Thursday was such a one).

October: I met up with pinkfinity this morning for breakfast in the city - very good to see her!

November: I've been meaning to post for three days but have ended up going to bed before it happened each time.

December: I fail to understand how anyone can enjoy shopping for clothes.

Much more variety in my first lines this year. Nice job, self. Now go get food.

ETA: Oh, yeah. We saw Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol yesterday. Very impressive on the action and effects side, very cheesy on the dialogue, especially at the end.

meme, birthdays, movies

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