It is I...

Aug 30, 2012 01:24

Heywuffs all--I know I said I'd pretty much be abandoning this journal, but it seems I've changed my mind. First, the good...

By and large, my dreams have come true. Just like every cloud has a silver lining, so is the inverse true--but I'm doing what I've yearned to be doing (and it's going quite well, too!), and am lucky enough to still be able to get out in the great outdoors where I'm living now. While I previously had some doubts about the path in life I had chosen, every indication at present is that my choice was a good one. Even better: my life now includes a couple of delightful canine cuties! One of them loves playing fetch--and another is equally enthusiastic about kissing ;)

My joy, however, has been tempered somewhat by what's been a truly horrible year when it comes to friends. Though none of them were among my very closest friends, three of them have died, in as many months. None of them were from natural causes, and all of them were probably avoidable (though hindsight is 20/20, of course). Two of them, I hadn't spoken to in far too long. One of them was one of the most unique, cool, unbelivably intelligent, and amazing people I've ever known--I felt like I could be more open with her about most things than with pretty much any other non-zoo. SP, RJ, and CG--rest in peace. I miss you guys...

What else has been new in my life? Aside from the move (which went pretty painlessly, all told), I've climbed my first glaciated peak--though hopefully not my last! What an experience it was. I've made a few friends where I'm now living, and have adjusted pretty well to the new surroundings. I miss my wuffdog and cat, though I'll see them the next time I visit my parents, probably in a few months. I'm still on the fence about getting involved with the local furry community. For now, I'll sit back and wait...

As for my sex life--well, still not all that exciting. For practical reasons, I'm unwilling to be fully intimate with even the nympho dog here, sexy though she may be! As for humans--my tastes seem to have shifted toward the malefolk, though in only a very limited way. There are only a few guys I'd be interested in sex with, and all are guys I've known a while and consider friends in some regard; all are also at least a thousand miles away. I have pretty close to zero interest in guys with whom I have no emotional connection, and only slightly more in human women. But so it goes. TL;DR: yote loves the cock (but only occasionally).

As for politics...
*bangs head against the wall in frustration*
*reluctantly votes for Obama again in a few months*
*goes back to distracting himself from politics by means of looking at stupid GIFs and fake stories on reddit*

That's about it in a yote's life! How are all of you?

homosexuality, death, moving, animals, friends, politics, sexuality, climbing, new life, dogs

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