Days of happiness 14-18

Jan 19, 2010 19:55

Ok.. so I totally suck at remembering to write down my delicious thoughts on a day to day basis. I had thought I would be able to at least write one post daily but alas, it has not been the case... so rather than dwell on the negative, here are the things that I have been happy about over the past 5 days... shotgun blast style

My lovely sexy and awesome wife. She is full of surprises and insight. This must awesome in one person makes the universe squee in delight.

A completed painted living room. our living room has paneling. The paneling was painted. The tiny stripes have now been painted in a sagey metallic green. Its like satin ribbons!

Playing settlers of catan with wonderful friends. that game is total crack and a great excuse to hang out with people I love.

My friends. holy shit you people are so damned crazy cool I wake up feeling like god has bitch slapped me across the face with a bag full of awesome.

Watching my little sister play soccer. my little sister (a senior in high school) is one of the best soccer players that I have seen. She is a wizard on the field and can play offense or defense with equal skill. I cannot wait until she is at St. Eds next year.

Starting work on my truck. I have big dreams and big plans for this thing. I love having a goal to work towards.

Spending monday working on a new track. I was finally able to get some ideas down and they are sounding pretty good. i love the flow state I can get in when I write music. i can tweak on synth patches for hours. its like my meditation.

getting asked to play another party. What can I say, i like bringing the rocking tunes to the masses. Music for me is a form of energy exchange. i like to channel my intentions into the music and send it out through the speaker. I like making the people dance :)

The Dollhouse series on FOX. Holy shit, Joss Wheaton is pretty damned amazing at tel;ling a story. The last episode I watched was one of the coolest things I have seen on TV.

The word Amazing. its got to be a good thing when Amazing enters your vocabulary on a regular basis. Life truly is amazing.

life, days, happy

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