Baby Bear Update

Sep 26, 2007 13:14

Current count for bears, per the last entry:

kristinkay: 2
orionnebula: a few
anglaisepaon: 2
stellanova: 1 (maybe more)
seriouspenguin: 2
carpetofstars: 1
amandasan: 2 (maybe)
kylegirl: 1
geekette8: 2
lsugaralmond: 1 (?)

So that's about 16 so far (not counting the ones that Johnny Trash and I are gonna make).

eanja: can't knit, but willing to donate supplies or postage to a local-to-her knitter
theodicy: can't knit, but willing to donate supplies or postage to a local-to-her knitter

Some people indicated that they would spread the word to knitting groups they're members of, if you have and have had a positive response, please let me know how many bears might be expected.

Wondering what this is all about? Catch up here.

As for mailing, sometimes things get here quickly, sometimes slowly -- stuff from the UK gets here faster than stuff from the US. Diep says an end of December deadline is good because we can distribute the bears to the children for Tet. Tet falls at the beginning of February this year, so if everyone tries to get their bears to us by the end of December, that will allow any postally-challenged bears to find their way here through January. Please aim for a DECEMBER 31st arrival date though, don't count on having that time in January. There is a very good likelihood a delightful friend of mine will be visiting me for the last week of December this year -- since she is such an awesome and generous friend, we may be able to impose on her to stuff an extra bag full of bears, dunno haven't asked yet -- this could alleviate some postal worries for some of our US knitters.

Diep promises to take pictures, but if things work out well, I may be able to go along (depends on work and finances) -- all y'all deserve to see the happy faces of the kids when they get their bears. Diep and I will do our best on that end.

Oh, and did I mention how fantastic I think all y'all are? If not, I'm saying it now: You're fantastic!

baby bears

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