So yesterday I got a package in the post from
pisica and
pisica sent lovely little gifties to me including Wooooooooooo! Candy corn! Sorry, I saw the candy corn, which I haven't seen since I've been here, and blanked out on everything else.
No, no, there were little glitter pens and pencils and a bit more candy and rules and a scroll (no, I have no idea what to do with it either,
pisica). So that was awesome! Thank you!
Oh and my kids just loved the suction throwing stars!
perditathecat sent along those excellent foam balls that some cats love to play with. My cat Spencer would play fetch with them for hours; I'd often wake up in the morning with a halo of little foamy cat toys around my head.
On the label, it said the toys would
provide hours of stimulating entertainment!
My cats are so broken.