(no subject)

Oct 29, 2007 12:37

I'm sitting very still in this computer chair. You see, moving at all only takes the bit of pain I'm in and amplifies it exponentially. I don't know why my back decides to do this every few months or so, but the muscles in my lower back feel like they're either playing tug o' war with my spine or pressing in close against it. And it hurts like hell. It'll fade in a few days, as it always does, but...I usually have a slight warning before it hits. Not this time. I was fine before psychology class, but then I stood up afterwards and it hit. Ow.

I have nothing planned for Halloween. Not only did it sort of sneak up on me, I have an organic chemistry test on Thursday and a psychology test on Friday. Yeah. No time to go out. I don't even have time to go to the All Souls Day mass, which is a Holy Day of Obligation as it is. Yay for the Wednesday vigil mass. I'm tempted to take a notecard with reaction mechanisms on it with me so that I can look at it during personal prayer time. It's what I'd be praying for anyway. I think of it as a meditative aide.

Religion aside, I have to fill my chem lab notebook with something from last week's experiment. After the experiment, I had stayed to work on my calculations and let the TA look over them...only to find that something had gone wrong and my results were off by like three orders of magnitude. Way too small. I'm still confused at how this could've happened. I'm neurotic when it comes to lab procedure, and have always had pretty accurate results. One other girl stayed and worked out her results too, and actually got the same thing. So I don't feel quite as bad. But really, what the hell? I used a dilution factor of eight, but in order to get my numbers in the ballpark, I'm going to have to use one of twenty in my calculations. The acceptable range was seven to ten. The hell, twenty? Bah.

Ah, almost time for genetics class. I'll get there early and read a bit of Dan Brown's Deception Point. It's not as good as Angels and Demons was, but it's still good. He can certainly tell a story and weave plots, I have to give him that.
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