War Journal Entry number 811 - Weekly Haul 11/24/10

Feb 04, 2011 22:48

Astonishing Thor #1 of 4(?) - Robert Rodi + Mike Choi. Looks promising. The story has a couple layers to it and the art is simply gorgeous. Plus, it features the fan-favorite Ego, The Living Planet. What do you mean he's not a fan-favorite? I like him and I'm a fan, eh?
EDIT 2/4/11: I had been looking forward to this, but having read the conclusion to Thor: For Asgard (see entry 810) I am very apprehensive.

Avengers and the Infinity Gauntlet #4 of 4 - Brian Clevinger/Lee Black + Brian Churilla. Very fun and very satisfying.

Avengers vs. Pet Avengers #2 of 4 - Chris Eliopoulos + Ig Guara. The first team-up of the Pet Avengers with the human Avengers. Also, Fin Fang Foom!

Chaos War: Alpha Flight one-shot - Jim McCann + Reilly Brown. An Alpha Flight reunion from beyond the grave and team-up with their greatest enemies. Desperate situations all around.

Deadpool #29 - Daniel Way + Carlo Barberi. An entertaining and satisfying conclusion to the Secret Avengers vs. Dr. Bong story. Dr. Bong! Man, this is a week for classically bizarre villains.

Deadpool Pulp #3 of 4 - Adam Galss/Mike Benson + Laurence Campbell. Wade gets closer to his target, and closer to his past. And Stryfe makes his move.

Deadpool Team-Up #887 - Rob Williams + Matteo Scalera. Deadpool and Thor. Yes, Thor. I love this series, even with every issue done by a different creative team every issue has been brilliantly good. Too bad it's coming to end soon. Stupid buying public.

Fantastic Four #585 - Jonathan Hickman + Steve Epting. All the plots are leading towards the end. If you ignore the hype and just read it, it is a nicely layered tale with steady ramping up of the tension.

Incredible Hulks #617 - Greg Pak + Barry Kitson. Dark Son part 6 of 6 as the sons of the Hulk face each other in a final showdown that reveals the truth to Hiro-Kala. I don't know, this whole story was only OK because I don't really care about either of the Hulk's sons that much, although Skaar is slowly developing more depth.
Back-up by Pak + Victor Drujiniu featuring Amadeus Cho!

Incredible Hulks: Enigma Force #3 of 3 - Scott Reed + Miguel Munera. The Micronauts find themselves just a small cog in the Dark Son crossover, but the real story has to do with the characters confronting their own pasts.

Namor: The First Mutant #4 - Stuart Moore + Andres Guinaldo. Namor's part in the Curse of the Mutants comes to end as he demonstrates that he's more than just a strong guy with a bad attitude. Too bad the art was done by a fill-in.

New Mutants #19 - Zeb Wells + Leonard Kirk. Things get worse and worse for the New Mutants. I'm hoping Wells will be returning after Mike Carey's run for the Age of X crossover. Hell, I'd like to have Wells also take over X-Men Legacy from Carey.

Thor The Mighty Avenger #6 - Roger Langridge + Chris Samnee. Dammit this series is good. I'm so very very sad that it's coming to an end. Thor finally discovers something that will bring out humility in him. Of course it's touching.

Uncanny X-Force #2 - Rick Remender + Jerome Opena. The team preps for their confrontation with Apocalypse's minions, but they aren't anywhere near ready for the real deal.

Uncanny X-Men #530 - Matt Fraction + Greg Land. The X-Men are getting sick, and replaced. It's an attack on multiple fronts.

X-Men: Legacy #242 - Mike Carey + Paul Davidson. The X-Men help out on the reconstruction of San Francisco. But it's still pretty boring. I'm going to read Age of X because I love alternate reality stories, but if it doesn't really improve I'm going to drop this series.

28 Days Later #17 - Michael Alan Nelson + Ron Salas. Our guys are being followed... by someone that isn't infected.

Terminator: 1984 #3 of 3 - Zack Whedon + Andy MacDonald. Holy fucking jeebus, this was a damn good series that ties back to the original two movies in a perfect loop.

Action Comics #895 - Paul Cornell + Pete Woods. Vandal Savage versus Lex Luthor. Continued in Secret Six #29.
Jimmy Olsen back-up by Nick Spencer + RB Silva. I've been enjoying this enough that I plan on picking up the collected one-shot.

Batman: Odyssey #5 of 13 - Neal Adams. Still a complete mess. Dropped.

Hellblazer: City of Demons #4 of 5 - Si Spencer + Sean Murphy. Really good, great energy.

Justice League: Generation Lost #14 - Judd Winick + Aaron Lopresti. Captain Atom finds himself in the future again, but not as far as he jumped last time. We learn what leads to some of the things he saw before. Packed with goodness.

Walking Dead volume 13: Too Far Gone - Robert Kirkman + Charlie Adlard. Reprints issues 73-78 of the series. As expected, Rick has a little bit of a breakdown in the community that's too good for him to believe. It's 78 issues in and I'm still saying that this is consistently one of the best series I've read.

namor, alpha flight, thor, hellblazer, new mutants, generation lost, terminator, batman, fantastic four, chaos war, justice league, comics, avengers, walking dead, hulk, 28 days later, x-force, deadpool, x-men, dropped

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