Feb 04, 2011 12:38
Grrr, I can't wait until it comes up in the rotation, I must complain now. The final issue of the Thor: For Asgard miniseries came it... and it pissed me off. The more I think back on it the angrier I get.
It was a six issue series with beautiful art but the story wandered around and spun its wheels a lot. A whole lot. It was just poorly written. But I kept with it figuring there would at least be a conclusion since this was a miniseries... and there wasn't. Seriously, the characters that died throughout it are resurrected but even one of them is smart enough to remark that the cause of the problems is still unknown and out there.
Fuck them.
They took six damn issues to do fuck all.
This whole thing should have been condensed to two issues, somebody should have done lay-outs for the artist because, while Simone Bianchi does great looking art the storytelling can be somewhat lacking, and they should have completed the damn story in the miniseries because there isn't enough substance to drag it out this long. I am certainly not getting the next one, and will be weary in the future of things written by Robert Rodi. I had been enjoying Astonishing Thor so far but now I'm worried.
So, what's the difference between this and, say, Batman: Widening Gyre by Kevin Smith and Walter Flanagan, which also ended a miniseries on a major cliff-hanger? Widening Gyre is awesome. Every issue was exceptionally, compellingly entertaining and I am trully looking forward to more. For Asgard was OK at best, but more often tedious. The lack of a pay-off at the end just made it worthless.