Spent the past 2 days on a whirlwind, one night trip to Portland. My dad and brother have birthdays this weekend, so I did that as the family visit, rather than thanksgiving thursday. Nice visit. Wish I'd had a little longer with the family.
It was, among other things, a triumph of non-commercialization for me. I made my brother four different mix CDs in four moods. Hope he likes them. For my dad I'm attempting to get tickets to the private Utah Phillips show at Reed in January. Personal, non-consumer gifts. I like that.
Unexpectedly, my brother gave me a nice Kershaw knife that he found a year or two ago. "A late birthday present." He was worried about losing it and figured it would be safer with me. I told him I'd take it on long term loan.
rwx gave me a ride home from the train station last night. We had a good chat. It's good to see him in a non-large-partying-group environment. His truck is fixed now.
Stayed home most of thursday with my sick housemate K. A friend came over and helped bake pumpkin pies. Either the recipe ran large or my frozen pie crusts ran small, because my recipe for two pies made four. I'll have to make four more shortly.
K stumbled across
The Godfather on TV, so we watched that wile the pies baked and baked. A good "family" movie for thanksgiving.
Dammit! I just now realized I forgot to listen to
Alices Restaurant on thursday. Maybe next year.
Been thinking a lot about how society doesn't teach us that there are life options besides what we see on TV. Wrote a long rant about it in an email.
There's a new sound that I've come to recognize, like a new word in the lexicon and dictionary. It's the sound of circuitry and batteries and screen wrapped in a plastic shell falling on a hard surface. It needs a name.