Multi-pup post (all OTA!) - Avon, Raoul, Travis

Jan 18, 2010 22:19

Avon was sitting in the bar, not so much because he felt like drinking as because he felt like thinking, and a bar was as good a place as any to do it in. He was keeping half an eye on a peculiar pair of characters sitting at a nearby table. One was a tall, flamboyant person of indeterminate sex, drinking something pink with an umbrella in it. The other was a couple of feet shorter, almost completely hidden inside a raincoat and hat. He, she or it was slurping a fizzy drink through a straw, and it kept staring at Avon, giving him the uncomfortable feeling that it knew what he was thinking. He glared back, hoping somebody would come up and talk to him before the peacock impersonator and his (her?) pet mackintosh decided to try something.


"Well, I'm not surprised if he is grumpy, wearing that anorak," Raoul told the Little One, who was engaging in a scowling match with a frowny man sitting at the bar. "It really is so sad how many people are brought up in fashion-deprived households. The boots are inspired, however..." he gave the man a fluttering wave, and was rewarded with a flat stare. Shrugging delicately, Raoul looked around for someone more pleasant to talk to.


Elsewhere on the station, Travis was reconnoitering, trying to take his mind off - well, everything. Suspicious as always, he slunk through the corridors quietly, waiting to interrogate - politely, of course, unless they gave him reason to behave otherwise - anyone he happened to meet.

[canon] montgomery scott, [canon] arik soong, [canon] travis, [canon] leonard mccoy, [canon] raoul de beausoleil, [canon] kerr avon

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