Weak Pathetic Fool

Jul 26, 2002 17:40

thats what i am. I whine a lot don't i?

stupid journal thing, i wrote in here last monday and for some reason it didn't post my new entry...well then, lj can lick my clit.

anyways yah, i've gotten so weak and lazy lately...the thought of excersizing(sp?) makes me tired. all i do nowadays is sit on the comp and plays games...when i'm not working that is. I'm getting so completely bored of my jobs lately...and i keep pissing off people at my bar job lol...but thats ok. it keeps me entertained.

i almost got electricuted on wednesday at work cuz the plugin on the floor was shooting sparks...and my boss asked me if i'll start wearing metal boots to work from now on.....smart ass.....i slapped him for that one.

well, i have nothing to rant about, nothing exciting to talk about either. I went on a date last tuesday thats about it. The date kinda bombed though....totally uneventful. We went to see MIB2, so it wasn't a total waste of time. Then after that we went to the niteclub thats in teh bar there...but i had to use my courtesy to get him in, after all the bragging he did about getting in VIP all the time...yah...right.... :P

so yah, he's too much of a chauch (chotch? choch? whatever) He's always either working at his pizza place or working on his car, which isn't really a bad thing cuz at least he has a job and a car...which is more than i can say about some of my ex's.

but we have such a hard time having a conversation...the only things he talks about is HipHop music or the things he's doing to his car...like, no offence, but i don't care that you're adding this odd sounding object to your car to make it go faster or something...unfortunately, when it comes to cars, i'm a typical girl and know dick all about them.

as well as for hiphop...i hate hiphop! like, ok, i'll listen to it in the bar and dance to a few songs...but this guy luvs it, knows all the singers and words to the songs and whatnot...

ok, so those are the only two things i can get in into a convo about..the two things i know nothing about and don't wanna know anything about. bahh!

he's not my type...even after a couple drinks we couldn't get a convo started...i have less trouble talking to preppy boys than i did with him... oh well. strike out there. hope he doesn't end up liking me too much and realizes that it won't work between us, cuz i'd hate to have to recruit Mergel again to ditch him for me ;) (for a min. $50 fee of course LOL) [inside joke]

I'm finally gettting my tatt in august...i hope lol. i'm going the first week of august...right after i meet up with tae at the lake!! whooo

well, i'll leave it at that. lata
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