Chinese First Name & Reference Materials Question

Feb 17, 2011 13:33

Hey, zhongwen !

I took Mandarin Chinese in college and in the second semester, my professor gave us each a Chinese surname (mine was 范 Fàn). I wanted to go a step further and get a first name as well, and I went to a naming website just for kicks (I know full well that's SO NOT a good idea, but I was really excited  ^_^;;;). The first name it generated for me was 安声(聲) ĀnShēng, and I fell in love with it at once. I've asked about it, but no one will give me a straight answer. So, now I ask you all: Is this a credible first name for me? I mean, I don't actually plan to use it for anything serious, but I'd love to have it, just for my own sake. But if its completely unrealistic or unsuitable as a name, I'd rather not become any more attached to it than I already am.

Also, would anyone know of a reliable reference book or website for Chinese naming? I draw and write a lot, and if I were to give one of my Chinese characters a Chinese name, I'd like it to be accurate.

Thanks, everyone!

Cross-posted to linguaphiles 

name, resources, websites, books

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