Sometimes I have the audacity...

Nov 25, 2004 06:12 ask myself "how the hell did I get roped into this?"

Usually, it's because, as the song and cliche so aptly state, I'm just a girl who can't say no.

Right now, in my part of the world, it's 6am on Thanksgiving morning. Now, you might be thinking, 'hey, she's up to put her turkey in like everyone else'. Well, you'd be wrong.

Nope - instead of sleeping like everyone else in the house (including the dog), I'm still up... yes, still up from the night before. You see, when I said I had the audacity to ask how I get myself into these types of situations, it's because I know exactly how I do - I just like to bitch about like Dante in Clerks.

"I'm not even supposed to be here today!"

Besides my loving and giving nature, that makes me eagerly take on waaay too many things at once, the real Achilles' heel... my true kryptonite, can be summed up in four little words.

Horrendous Time Management Skills

You see, instead of working on this video production - which, by the by, has to be burned on a DVD and ready to go in less than 3 hours - I foolishly indulged myself and spent five hours (including travel time) at trivia/karaoke this evening.


No one belts out DeBarge like I do.

Perhaps the more fitting question is "why do I do this to myself?"

Do I thrive of stress? 'Cause I tell you what, the 9 pimples that have broken out on my chin during the past week certainly thrive on stress. (And sadly, that's not an exaggeration - there really have been 9 - my chin looks practically polka-dotted!)

I have this wonderfully tight and horrific knot I get in my back when I'm stressed or don't get enough sleep. I first noticed that knot at an extremely young age. That knot is my friend... it visits me often. It sings to me in the wee small hours of the morning.

The problem is - I keep inviting the damn thing back!

If you're so terribly bored that you've read this far, you must certainly be asking, "my good lord woman, if you have that much crap to do, why the hell are you LJ'ing?!" Simple - if I don't, I might fall asleep. The video files need to render, and that's a good chunk of 10 to 15 minutes here and there that I need to occupy myself. My hubby's asleep in bed and my cousin's asleep on the couch - so no TiVo for me.

So - here's my diabolical plan! I finish this thing and have it ready for when my parents come to pick it up at 9am. Then, I go to bed and sleep for three whole hours, wake up at noon, peel my 10lb bag of potatoes, chop 'em up and get them boiling. Take a shower while they bubble over and make that pasty mess on the stove, come out with a towel on my head and Braun Handblender the hell out of them, cover 'em up, get dressed, pack 'em up, pack up the cousin, drive to get my nephew and brother, then drive to get the lot of them to Higley (that's farm country, now 'housing development' country) by 4pm!

Oh yeah, I'm gonna be a bundle of laughs tonight!

So, if anyone has any insight as to why I procrastinate like it's going out of style and continue to initiate this self destructive cycle of self sabotage, please.. I beg you... enlighten me! 'Cause it's been 32 years and I still haven't figured it out.

(and therapy costs too damn much for someone who goes 'and how does that make you feel?')

Oh... and Happy Thanksgiving...


(despite the above ravings, it's my favorite holiday... no presents to buy, just food and family and the occasional dysfunction)
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