High Definition Madness

Apr 30, 2009 01:12

 Games still have the power to amaze me. This afternoon I was at my friend and colleague Dennis's place, together with Guan. We both had the chance to play the demo of Final Fantasy XIII. Which was awesome. Really. And that wasn't just because of the huge HD television. As the demo started, we saw some trailers of XIII and Versus (and Agilo, which wasn't that cool). Oh man. Those graphics. They are a lot more amazing than Advent Children. So realistic, so much details... You have to see it for yourself. The trailer on your computerscreen just doesn't cut it. Apart from the graphics, the trailer showed the characters (that Lightning chick totally rocks). Still, the story is kinda mysterious, but I bet it's going to be epic. 
The Versus trailer was something else. It did make me think of Kingdom Hearts a lot, but maybe it was just the music. Anyways, there weren't voice actors yet, and there was this scene with a girl and I didn't really get it because I can't read Japanese. Nevertheless, it was swell. 
So after that I started playing the demo, which pretty much was all about the battle system, because the story didn't really make sense. Yet. The moment I saw Snow I instantly fell in love with him. Battling was fun, and fast, and very dynamic. The camera angles spinning around all the time, which gave this really cool action movie effect. Yeah, I enjoyed it, even though it was turnbased (I usually don't like that on a console). 
Oh man, I can't wait for this one, it's epic. Maybe I will even buy a PS3. It is so worth it. Omg, I'm such a fangirl.

I also checked out Tales of Symphonia 2, which SUCKED. How can they screw up this bad, I don't understand. At all. ;_; The graphics were DS-like, characters looked & acted like they're stupid. It felt like an awkward joke. I erased this one from my wishlist. That's for sure. 
Resident Evil 5 was frustrating and totally not RE-like. Giant spider getting on my nerves and me running out of ammo because of it. Geez.
Killzone 2 was visually striking, yet kind of chaotic but that might be just me. It did look like a very good game. Though I would probably just panic all the time while playing.

And last: every superhero fan should check out Wolverine. Great action, great characters, great story, great music (Harry Gregson-Williams, hell yeah). I need to find the soundtrack. Oh, it's been a while since I have enjoyed myself this much. 

games, brabbling, final fantasy is all that i play, movies

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