Writer's Block: Beautiful Vistas

May 12, 2009 20:46

I don't have one in particular, but I have a few favorites.

So, first one is London, viewed from the highest peek of the Millenium Eye. Back in 2007 I went with my mom to London for a few days. We saw lots of things, did a Jack the Ripper tour, went to a Monty Python musical and rode the Millenium Eye.

Second, the most beautiful building in the world, my personal favorite, couldn't be excluded from this list. Yeah, it counts as a view. The Notre Dame in Paris. Although it's a beautiful cathedral from the outside too, when I got in (in 2003) and sat down there, I felt really peaceful. That is exactly the right word for it... I was at ease, thinking things over, while staring at the amazing window:

And I liked the Disney movie Hunchback from the Notre Dame a lot too. That helped a little I guess... 
Anyway, moving on... You may think I'm a city person (which I am) but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy the countryside as well. One of the things that I remember clearly is the view there was when I was sitting on the walls of the Italian city Volterra:

I think that was back in 2002... But it doesn't seem like that long ago! What IS long ago, is when I first saw the Alps. I never imagined mountains to be so high when I was nine ( in 1999). We were on our way to Italy (by car) and had to pass through the Alps. I remember asking my mom halfway through Germany if these big hills were the Alps, but she laughed and said they were a lot higher and this was just the beginning of it. So I was pretty amazed when I saw those high rocks. It was also the first time I saw waterfalls, if I remember correctly.


I seem to be going back in time, which wasn't really my plan. 
I'll never forget my schooltrip to Greece in 2005. Though Athens wasn't the best part of the trip, the view on the Acropolis was amazing. Everywhere around me there was city, city, city.

No, Crete was the best part. There was this little beach where little sea creatures were floating around and it was so beautiful! I don't know where exactly it was though:

Well, of course I have seen much more views, but that would be quite a long post. Anyway, these are my favorites. I hope I can add some views outside of Europe one day, because I really wanna go explore the world!

personal, writer's block

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