
Apr 28, 2009 14:42

I have thought about doing this for a long time. I think it's important to give money to charity and help people or animals. So about a year ago I decided I wanted to donate. Because I felt like I had to. The thing is, there's so much that's important, that you don't know what to choose. I spent several months wondering what purpose I was going to give my money. 
I have sort of a weakness for animals, so that was mainly what my thoughts were about. Climate change and such, the animals that perish because of it... Damn, can't wait 'til electric cars are common! However, I also heard some negative things about large organisations like WWF. But I didn't want to donate to small organisations that just focus on 1 kind of animal. 
Then, a few months ago, I saw a large documentary about Unicef on tv. I saw what they did - help children, and entire villages get water sources. And more. I had the feeling they really helped. So after another while of thinking, I thought, heck, why not. I can spend months of thinking and nothing happening, so... 
Since then I donate a few euros every month to Unicef. It gives me a good feeling, also, sort of a peace of mind. When someone of a charity organisation asks me to donate, now I don't have to feel bad - because I already donate. This reason may sound stupid or selfish, but I feel this way. I have absolutely no idea what difference my money makes. But it feels good. 
Maybe, in the future, when I have a job, I will donate to animal charity organisations. Or maybe one that supports research on cancer. Because that, I think, is really important too. I know so many people having that disease, I even lost some people by it. It also runs in my family. Nice. =/

Thanks to Jessie for the awesome link to Writer's Block.

personal, writer's block

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