Title : Sore Wa Yappari Kimi Deshita - An Arashi Story - Chapter 9
Author :
zeon_avalantheRating : G
Genre : Angst ; Friendship
Pairing : Gen
Disclaimer : Everyone knows that I don't own any of those boys, sadly.. And title is shamelessly taken from one of Nino's solo.. You'll know why..
Summary : It was a normal day with their last concert of this year's tour to come.. But why Aiba suddenly say he wants to quit Arashi ?
~Chapter 9~
Riida’s Side
We were preparing for the encore an are in the middle of changing into the shirts Aiba-chan gave us, when our managers came rushing at us, face stricken with panic.
“Ohno-kun, we just received a phonecall from Johnny-san..” My manager started.
“They told us bad news.” Nino’s manager continued, face downcast.
“We heard that Aiba-chan just, he just-“ MatsuJun’s manager stuttered, hesitating as to whether he should tell them or not.
“Aiba-chan just what, Nomura ?!” Nino demanded, face scary.
“We heard that Aiba-kun’s condition just worsened drastically, and that it appears that he won’t make it tonight.” Sho-kun’s manager finished firmly, though his face ashen.
The world seems like it’s crushing at us as we froze in our spots. After what seemed like forever, we exchanged glances at each other before breaking into a dash. The four of us start to pack our things hastily, before rushing to the exit. We heard some of the staffs coming in panic, asking about what will happen with the concert, but we don’t give a damn about it at the moment. Our main concern is to go to Aiba-chan is. That’s it.
“Nomura, you go with Takada and the four of them. Drive to the hospital as soon as you can, but please still be careful. I will take care of things with Yoshitaka here.”
I faintly heard Sho-kun’s manager saying on the background, before MatsuJun’s and my managers led us to the van, telling us they will take us to Aiba-chan’s place now. I secretly thanked Sho-kun’s manager for being calm and composed and is willing to take care of the mess we created, a trait similar to Sho-kun himself. But I’m careless about it now and said nothing as we sat restlessly on the van, hoping we will get there before it’s too late.
It’s almost midnight when we arrived at the hospital. A few of the hospital’s personnels are already waiting for us and quickly lead us to Aiba-chan’s room. They told us Aiba-chan’s current condition but everything fell to deaf ears now. I found myself unable to understand a word they said.
We burst into the room as soon as the hospital’s personnel opened the door for us. There, we found Aiba-chan’s family, Johnny-san and Julie-san, Aiba-chan’s ex-manager, Kazama-kun, Murakami and Yokoyama, even Matsu-nii and a few others Johnny’s talents I don’t bother to recognize, surrounding Aiba-chan’s bed. When they see us coming, they swiftly made a way for us to the bed, before leaving one by one, until only Aiba-chan’s family and Johnny-san left with us.
“Aiba-shi, please don’t go !” Nino knelt on Aiba-chan’s left and immediately broke down. MatsuJun got down beside him, stroking his back as he, too, cried silently. Sho-kun stood by the corner of the bed, face pale, looking like he’s confused. I pulled him close before taking him down and swirl my hand on MatsuJun’s shoulder. The four of us knelt there, by Aiba-chan’s bed, crying and waiting, and slightly hoping that miracles will occur somehow. The silence is suffocating, but it’s also calming at the same time.
“Aiba-chan, happy birthday...” I whispered ever so softly, and Nino’s shoulder shook harder at the words. I looked up, and I saw a tear trailed down from Aiba-chan’s eyes, and I can’t help but cry harder.
He heard me.
And just as I thought so, the long static sound resounded on the silent room. And Nino’s cries echoed harder in the small room.
“You’ve fought well, Aiba-chan.” I whispered brokenly. “Please watch over us from wherever you are and know that we will always love you.”
Jun’s Side
It feels like everything is crushing down that night. It feels like the world is ending as people came in a rush and do a resuscitation to Aiba-chan before stopping after a while and throw us a solemn look. And when the doctor speak, I feel this undescribable urge to punch him in the face.
“Time of death, December 24th, 2016, 00.06 a.m.”
“You can’t stop just yet !” Nino yelled out, his voice hoarse. “You can still do something to save him !”
“Nino...” Sho-chan sighed from behind Nino, trying to calm him down. “Please don’t be like this.”
“But Aiba-chan can’t go just yet ! We still haven’t properly celebrate his birthday and we had promised we will !” Nino insisted. “He had promised us he will survive until his birthday, Sho ! And he can’t just go and break his promise !”
“Nino, I know you’re sad -I am, too- but please don’t be like this.” Sho-chan begged the younger man. “Please don’t make this harder.”
“No !” Nino shook his head. “Sensei, you must do something about this guy ! You have to save him no matter what ! If you don’t, I swear I will sue you and this hospital down ! So you better-“
His words were cut short by Sho-kun’s slap on his cheek.
“Don’t be a child, Nino !” Sho-kun shouted at him, eyes red with tears. “Do you think any of us can accept this ? Do you think we’re okay about this ? You’re not the only one who wants Aiba-kun to stay, Nino. Please understand that no one wishes this to happen. Please think about Aiba-kun’s parents as well. Do you think it’s easier for them than it is for you ? Do you think Aiba-kun will be happy knowing you like this after he left ?”
“But, but I-“ Nino sobbed, voice much softer this time.
“I know.” Sho-kun gave a long tired sigh before pulling the man into his embrace. “I miss him already, too.”
It was then I realized how big of an influence Aiba-kun was to our lives. In the first time in years, I feel like I can’t face tomorrow. Even as the hospital’s personnel wheeled Aiba-kun’s still body away, I still can’t find the energy to even move from my spot. It feels like the world is over.
The sound of an overly-familiar giggles suddenly resounding in the back of my mind. I turned around only to find Riida wiping his tears away. It’s just as Sho-kun said. I miss him already. I was expecting to come here with the guys after the concert in a happy mood, asking him how was our presents. But now, now I just don’t know anymore.
“Why do you have to leave, Aiba-chan ?” I speak to myself. “Why do you have to leave us here now ? We’re not ready to lose you. We just can’t, lose you. Not now, not ever. So why ?”
Sho’s Side
Johnny-san gave us a much needed break for one whole month after Aiba-kun’s death. And while we’re grateful for the man, we can’t voiced it out. We attend Aiba-kun’s funeral which was held two days after Christmas, and it was then Aiba-kun’s parents relayed his last words for us. I didn’t cry. None of us cried. But after the ceremony is done, we found ourselves tracing back our steps to Aiba-kun’s tomb, and there, we mourned like there is no tomorrow.
Our lives went on after that. Once we returned to the entertainment world, we feigned a small smile as we stated our condolances for Aiba-kun’s death and that we will work hard for his part as well from now on. We continued with our routines, doing our individual jobs and group jobs every other day, releasing singles, meeting people and living life.
The time has stopped for us that day Aiba-kun drew his last breath. Everything is dull now compared to when Aiba-kun was still by our side. The smiles only last for as long as the cameras are rolling, but when we were back to the safety of our green rooms, they will faltered and gone. Our eyes are emptier now, emotions only made up to when it’s appropriate, and it’s not healthy for us, because we’re not moving on at all.
Despite my outburst at Nino that night, I was actually no better than he was. I can’t accept a single thing and I found myself blaming everyone for everything. I was pathetic and I still am. Day by day, I could only think about the day we finally end this thing for once and for all, in hope I could finally find my peace and start taking a step forward. I tell myself that I will start anew from that point onward, and just have to do my best in this masquarade for a little longer.
The day of our anniversary is still far away, but people already made plans for that day. MatsuJun said that our last concert will be a very special concert. It will be a live dedicated for one Aiba Masaki and that we should give it our all, for Aiba-kun more than for ourselves. That’s why, even when we pretend to enjoy doing our other jobs, we were being dead serious when working on the concert. It’s our last present for Aiba-kun and it will be rude to not put our hearts into it.
The theme would be similar as to what we have prepared for Aiba-kun’s birthday, but it would be more grandious and more serene. Each of us will prepare one of our group song to be sung solo, as our last message for Aiba-kun which convey our feelings towards him, and for that solo time only, we were given the freedom to do anything we want without the other members knowing.
Time flies and suddenly it’s September already. We have done more rehearsals and check-over for more than we ever did for a concert in Japan, and now, all is left is to go for Hawaii and prepare ourselves to give the best of live ever as our last concert.
I took a deep breath as I stepped into the plane, Nino’s back ahead of me.
The fans are going to be in an uproar, but I’m sure they will understand our decision. I hope they do.
~End of Chapter 9~
Two more chapters to go~
Uhm, please don't kill me.... yet ?