Jan 06, 2009 18:29
My parents bought a house in Norwalk (it's next to Bellflower) because they didn't want to keep paying rent in a crappy apartment each month. The house is a fixer upper and they're doing as much as they can to it so it can be lived in. They both have their jobs in L.A., so that's the reason for the house. Commuting that everyday would be retarded.
Anyway, just to make the house barely comfortable to be lived in, they purchase items like Salvation army couches and chairs and discount appliances. It's not a vacation home, it's really strictly a place to sleep after work and to clean up during the weekends. There's a guest room that my parents want to put a bed into, so my mom went on a search on Craigslist.
Craigslist is pretty amazing. You can find just about anything! She found a bed (with all of the pieces!) and a mattress AND boxspring for about 300 bucks. The bed frame is made out of wood too, so that's pretty expensive already.
The guy out there had a story to tell. Not only was he getting back from his dad's funeral (first thought was that we were getting his bed), but the bed he was selling us was his roommate's bed. He owed him about 600 bucks! But he couldn't pay it back because he was in JAIL! Dun dun dun!
We drove all the way out to Apple Valley, which SOUNDS like a nice place. It looked like such a hell hole. Everybody was all emaciated and grungy, drug addicts! And the whole place was dusty and icky.
The funny thing is that the guy kept trying to sell us his roommate's stuff! So we ended up with a dresser and night stand and he threw a mirror in for free! On the way home, my mom was talking about these sheets that she took. Which she didn't ASK to take! She just took them! We also got out with a bunch of pillows and a comforter or two. But those things need to be DEEP WASHED before any use. The mattress is even kind of iffy.
My friend here in Temecula, Brent, called me twice today. I feel so bad. I kept telling him that I was going to hang out with him, but I never called him back and I already canceled on him.
On my way to the stables, a cop came RIGHT ON MY ASS! My car's ass, I mean. And it scared the crap out of me! I'm even more paranoid about cops now since I got a ticket. He was tailgating me the whole way, which was about 2 miles, and I know he was probably checking my license, but it can't take THAT long. And all the while I'm thinking, "Am I going to fast? To slow? Is he going to see me singing along with my song and pull me over for some weird reason? Oh god!"
I had to go to the court house this morning to pay my ticket, which I was afraid was going to be a TON of money. Like 500 bucks or something. It came to about 150 and with traffic school it will be 200. So I have to worry about that to pay back to my parents, more reason for me to get a job and pay off my little debts. My dad told me not to worry about it, but I know he's really angry at me for money issues and my dependence on them, I just want to get that out of the way as soon as possible.
We did so much today, that by nearly 7pm, I am already tired. And any cleaning up I had planned is pushed back because I'm entering a food coma. But I'll definitely get some stuff done today. My tub can't be full of rabbit poo forever!
And I need to get my car smogged by tomorrow OR ELSE I'M IN TROUBLE!