Hibiki, baby!

Apr 25, 2008 11:04

Last night I got my first Japanese spam. I don't get a lot of spam as it is, but it's a definite first for Japanese spam.

The jist of the message was roughly that a 34-year old Hibiki, who works in management has found my address from some site, and is just dying to go on a date with me. She's already written to me once, and since I ignored her pleas, she was devastated and ready to give up on me, but decided to give it one more shot. Now, the thing is, a woman in her position cannot commit to an illicit affair (though she's single, I guess it's a culture thing how older women aren't supposed to have any fun), unless she can be sure of my discretion on the matter. And what better way to establish trust than talking about reinbursement. If I agreed to her terms, I would get a more indepth description of her accompanied by some photos.

It says something quite alarming about my thing for older Japanese women that for a few moments, despite struggling with the keigo and stiff wording, I though "Oh, God! What if there really is a fair Hibiki, so looking forward to dating me without even realizing that I'm a female university student living thousands of miles away from her?!"

Sweet, beautiful Hibiki will live in my memories. I can just see us, hand in hand, running across a field of flowers with mount Fuji in the background. Hibiki, I'm sorry I couldn't be your dream-date. And sorry about not sending any money too.
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