Watercolor project Originally uploaded by
I've been feeling a bit blocked lately. Normally, that means I sit at my art table and push papers around, new ways to rearrange the bottles of paint, or stare listlessly at everything that is cluttering the desk. More often, I just give up and go watch tv.
This time, I decided to push past the blocked feeling and just get the brush going. So, I got out a few rubberstamps that worked well with watercolors and just started painting. Even though there's nothing too impressive with this set of images, I'm pretty happy with the results. All of the images are a bit like coloring in the lines, but I finally got around to trying out some of the Daniel Smith watercolors I bought awhile ago. I also played around with some of my metallic watercolor. For the most part, I had fun trying everything out, even though some of the colors got away from me. I had a hard time controlling how strong the blue colors came out, but I think with more practice I can get the hang of it.
Anyway, it's a good starting point for me to get back into being creative on a regular basis. I'm overwhelmed by stress from work, so I really do need a good outlet from that. I'm planning on trying out some more watercolor techniques over the next few days.