ZeldaQueen: Part two of this chapter! Thank God we're nearly done, I'm losing the will to live!
Projection Room Voices: Starting Media in 3...2...1...
Chapter 17: A New Friend (Part 2)
Lots of questions danced threw
ZeldaQueen: "THROUGH"!
my mind that night as Link and Dalamar prepared for their departure upon sunrise.
ZeldaQueen: Questions like "How does one depart on a sunrise?"
As Link prepared his saddlebags I went over to him and gave him a worried look.
ZeldaQueen: (Link) "Well thanks, my dear. This worried look will really help me out in battle"
"I'm coming with you no matter what decision you make!" I spat, my face twisting into a scowl.
ZeldaQueen: Wait, what? Where did that come from? She wanders over all sad and then starts yelling at him?
"I remember when you tried to deny me accompanying you to the Water Temple. If I recall, you just might have ended up a permanent prisoner of Dark Link had I not gone with you."
ZeldaQueen: Will you shut up about that? You were only useful because you made Link completely useless! If there was any reality in this twisted world, you'd have died in two seconds and Link would be cursing you sideways for just getting in the way!
Link's eyes turned a sudden shade of red as he spoke in an agitated tone.
ZeldaQueen: What is it with these people? Do they all have Mood Eyes?
"Listen Jenna you don't understand, you're carrying our unborn child, and I think that this time it will be too dangerous for you to come as pregnant as you are. When you accompanied me to the Water Temple, you sure as hell wasn't expecting."
ZeldaQueen: Yes, pregnant women are useless!
And yes, viewers, I am well aware that it is dangerous and difficult and usually just impossible for six-months-pregnant women to engage in strenuous activities. I'm just flat-out angry that Jenna constantly is pregnant and going on about how she's Oh-So-Fragile and Delicate because of it!
Link went pale-the pain of the memory when he found me near dead on the ground in the Temple wrenched his heart.
ZeldaQueen: Mine too - I had been so hoping that the Sue would die
I was able to feel his mind wrenching of all kinds of fears of him loosing me or his unborn child, but even in light of his overgrowing fears I was not about to let that stop me from accompanying him along on this journey.
I find it hilarious that it took her college-educated friend pointing all of these errors out to her before she noticed them
"Link my undying love,
ZeldaQueen: Fuck me, I refuse to believe anyone can be so sappy. NOT EVEN BELLA AND EDWARD WERE THIS BAD, SUCK ON THAT!
I understand your fears and concerns, but I think I'm well enough to be able to protect myself. Or did you soon forget that I am a descent of the great Silverlite race? Remember I am an elemental user." I returned nonchalantly.
ZeldaQueen: (Sue) *sing-song* "I'm sooo much better than you are!"
Seriously, shut up. Being able to control the elements doesn't change the fact that you've got a bowling ball in your stomach. Can your ability to summon fire keep your ankles from swelling and your bladder from constantly overflowing? Can your ability to summon wind keep away morning sickness?
And dear viewers, I am also aware that pregnant women can climb mountains and the like. Sacajawea made impressive expeditions across the western territories, giving birth along the way. The difference, however, was that she had to go. She was hired as the group's guide and wasn't just tagging along because her husband was sent. The other difference is that she actually was useful. She helped them find food, she helped them meet with her old tribe under peaceful terms, and she got them to the west coast more or less safely. Little Miss Jenna here has neither of those things going for her. She's coming just because she's Oh-So-Worried about Link (despite the fact that he ought to be able to take care of himself) and wants to horn in on the action
Link returned a cold icy stare, the blue draining from his eyes and being replace by a dull stormy gray.
ZeldaQueen: Yep, Mood Eyes
"Jenna listen this time I'm making the decision for you. You are six months pregnant and because of that I cannot allow you to go." So just put the damn notion of going out of your mind." Link spat, his cold hands gripping my shoulders.
ZeldaQueen: Is...is Link actually telling the Sue no?
With an angry growl, I pushed Link's hands off of me as my eyes filled up with anger. "Damnit…..by the Goddesses Link I coming with you! I WILL NOT sit back and let you go on this journey without my aid. I don't care if you're worried about me, Damnit Link I'm worried about you!" I retorted stubbornly, my hands clenching into fists.
ZeldaQueen: Translation - I don't give a damn how you feel about this, I'm going to throw a tantrum if I don't get my way, while mocking and insulting your years of combat experience
Then my eyes lowered as my gaze slowly softened. "Link listen I care for you, you're my whole world, and I know that I mean the same to you but, I feel that as a mated pair,
ZeldaQueen: You're not animals! Or at least you're not supposed to be
there are just some things that one of us cannot do alone.
ZeldaQueen: Like sex
Isn't our love based on faith and trust?
ZeldaQueen: Actually, it isn't. If you'll recall from my rant on the Bonding Ceremony chapter, the entire thing centers around the spouses not trusting each other to be around members of the opposite sex while alone
Aren't we connected together in every aspect of our being?" I walked over to Link and into his warm arms, my eyes locking with his. "Link my love, you're just going to have to trust me. That is one part of what our love is all about."
ZeldaQueen: I thought it was about you using him as a sex slave
Link's hard gaze suddenly softened, his gentle arms holding me close. "Jenna my life, I do trust you and I have always had faith in your abilities, I'm just concerned for the well-being of you and our unborn child. I just cannot stand the thought of loosing either of you.
ZeldaQueen: Then tie her tighter
I still think it would be wise if you stay here." I quickly placed a finger gently on his lips. "I'm still going." I returned softly.
ZeldaQueen: Logic be damned
"Well I guess once your mind is made up"-Link chuckled softly-"I'm not going to be able to change your decision." I nodded in return. "Sigh,
ZeldaQueen: People don't say "sigh"!
Women for ya, once they're minds are made up, there is no changing it." Link said sarcastically as he softly pressed his warm lips against mine.
And so nice that he continually caves in to the Sue's demands, despite the fact that he clearly is uncomfortable with them. Well, so what if she and the unborn baby die horribly because she was too dumb to live? There's kissing to be done!
The night passed quickly, and the suns first rays were rising over the horizon as I was saddling my horse and making my final preparations for my departure with Link and Dalamar. After we all made the final preparations, Link and I mounted our horses and readied to depart. Dalamar emerged from the Castle and joined us at the front gate. I checked one last time to make sure my bow, quiver and Phoenix Circles were secure before turning my attention to the Griffin. Dalamar looked at us sternly, his wings flexing against the gentle blowing wind. "Are you ready my friends?" Dalamar questioned. "As ready as ever." Link returned as he eagerly waited to leave. I just nodded. "Well then, let us get moving. We should try to reach the Black Mountains before sundown."
ZeldaQueen: Jesus, this is boring
Turning my horse around I started to follow behind Link when Zelda called to us. "Please be careful. May the Goddesses protect you on you're journey and provide you're
ZeldaQueen: The one time she needs to use "your" and she puts in the apostrophe-r-e
safe return home."
ZeldaQueen: (Princess Zelda) "I'll just sit here and wait for the menfolk to get home. It's not like I'd go out to help Link and investigate potential danger to my kingdom or anything"
We looked back at Zelda one last time before moving out. "Thank you m' lady. I appreciate all that you've done for me." Dalamar said, his gaze soft upon hers.
ZeldaQueen: Unless there are multiple gazes from Zelda, you need an apostrophe in there
"Don't worry about Link and I. We'll be fine, I'm sure we will return home safely, just please take good care of our son." I added as a smile of reassurance crossed my face.
ZeldaQueen: Now they've made Zelda their babysitter again. Why am I not surprised?
"Now my friends we must move on. Time is of the essence." Dalamar retorted. Nodding in agreement, I resumed following behind Link, leaving the sanctuary of Hyrule behind.
The sun was high up and the heat treacherous as we made our way across the vast Black Desert. We had been traveling for about four hours and I was already tired from sitting in my saddle. Thick sweat beaded my face as my parched mouth cried for water. I reached into my saddlebags and pulled out my waterskin. Raising it to my dried lips, I took a long gulp before replacing the cap and returning it to my saddlebags. The heat was so unbearable that it was causing shapes of false objects to form in the desert sand. And even the heat wave that the desert was producing caused the images of Link and Dalamar to look distant and warped.
ZeldaQueen: I hope you lose sight of them and die of dehydration
Though we pressed on, pushing our very horses to the limit, their mouths gaped open; their tongues dry from the hot desert air.
ZeldaQueen: Again, horses can't cross the desert in the game!
The minutes that we spent in that damn desert of death seemed like hours when finally a miracle by the goddesses loomed just ahead. After what seemed like and endless push threw that treacherous desert, we finally came to the end and emerged near a vast rushing river.
ZeldaQueen: Mighty puny desert there. That honestly makes no sense. It just feels like "Ah! It's so hot, we're going to di - oh wait, there's the other end!"
(18)"This is the Snake River." Dalamar said as his crystal eyes scanned the bank on the other side.
ZeldaQueen: Footnotes! "The Snake River is a large winding river found near the Black Desert's border. This massive river is deadly to cross because of the malevolent swelling waters and dangerous rapids. Only few ever succeed to cross it and live to tell about it". Of course, the Sue's going to cross it, just like she made it through the Neigh Uncrossable Black Desert
"The river is too fast and deep to cross on foot. We'll have to build a raft large enough to ferry the horses on." Scanning the area surrounding the river, I noticed a large thicket of trees just up river. "There's a large amount of foliage just a short way up river, we can use those trees to build a raft." Walking up beside me, Dalamar scanned the way ahead. "I see no signs of any danger up that way, so lets get a move on."
ZeldaQueen: Get on with it!
We pressed on up river and into the thick foliage. There we proceeded to make a makeshift raft, using vines found among the trees to hold it together. After we pushed it down to the bank, we loaded on the horses then Link and I went on followed by Dalamar.
Taking a long pole made of wood, Link steered us along against the river's swift current, taking heed to watch for rocks lying wait under the river's whitecaps. Slowly but surely we made our way across and onto the other side. From there we mounted and headed for Dragonmount.
ZeldaQueen: GET ON WITH IT!
The sky was setting off tones of deep pink, and lavender, the sun starting to set as we neared Dragonmount. I watched in awe as the dragon shaped mountain appeared in the distance. Just then Dalamar turned and looked back at us. "We must make hast,
ZeldaQueen: Yes, make hast. Whatever that is
the sun has already started to set." "This is a bad area to be in after nightfall. We must press on at a faster pace." Dalamar said with worry. "But Dalamar the horses……." I started to say. "The horses what?" Dalamar cut in. "They need rest, look at them they're exhausted."
ZeldaQueen: Oh yes, you're a Friend of All Living Things Sue. Thank you for reminding us. You're also Too Dumb To Live, seeing as how you want to stop in a strange place at night while a native is telling you that it's dangerous, just for your horses
I'll have to agree with my wife Dalamar, the horses haven't had any rest since we left Hyrule." Link added.
ZeldaQueen: Because he always agrees with Jenna except when she's trying to show how Oh-So-Brave and Loyal she is
"The only problem is, Lord Ariakas's Knights patrol this area at night. If we don't press on past Dragonmount, we might be found by the (19)Dark Knights, and trust me, you don't want to get captured by them. They have been known to be ruthless and even as far as to kill in blood for glory." Dalamar said shakily, his eye glaring over at us.
ZeldaQueen: Right. There's a reason I didn't go straight to the footnotes for that, but I'll get to that in a minute. Here's what the footnote is - "Dark Knights are people who walk in the way of the shadow under the guidance and rule of Lord Ariakas. These dangerous followers of Ariakas, practice in the ways of dark magic and walk down the evil path of the shadow, driven by the demons of the Shadow Realm. As a symbol of their faith, Dark Knights wear armor decorated with skulls and the symbol of the Black Lilly. Most people who chose to walk the path of darkness, usually spend their life serving the shadow, though only a few have ever managed to changes sides due to the fact that once you swear allegiance to Ariakas in a blood oath, you give your soul over to him and to the Shadow Realm, therefore sealing your fate to them"
Now, a quote from a different book
"'Take heed, all of you,' Gwydion went on. 'The Huntsmen of Annuvin are abroad...they are mortal, though I scorn to call them men. They are the basest of warriors, who have betrayed their comrades; murderers who have killed for the joy of it. To indulge their own cruelty they have willingly chosen Arwan's realm and sworn allegiance to him with a blood oath even they cannot break"
~ The Black Cauldron, Adaon
ZeldaQueen: As for what they look like...
"They wore jackets and leggings of animal skins...Each huntsman bore a crimson brand on his forehead...[Taran] knew the strange symbol must be a mark of Arwan's power"
ZeldaQueen: *cough*
"I've fought worse then that. How can these Dark Knights amount up to what Gannondorf was?" Link said stoutly as he shifted in his saddle.
ZeldaQueen: And yet he peed his tunic over Dark Link earlier
"Listen hero, you don't understand these Dark Knights like I do. My people have been fighting them for centuries, and trust me, they're more ruthless then you think they are."
Just then I spotted something up ahead. "By the Goddesses what the hell is that up there?" I said as I pointed my finger skyward.
ZeldaQueen: "Goddesses" and "hell" don't go in the same sentence.
And am I the only one reminded of how Bender talks when he's in "King" mode?
Dalamar raised his head up then cried out. "Draconians, we must get the hell out of here before we're spotted!" Dalamar screeched, taking off full throttle.
ZeldaQueen: Dalamar's Heroes: Full Throttle
Booting my horse in the legs,
ZeldaQueen: RIBS!
the animal took off at full speed behind Link. We pushed on at a full gallop, winding around small boulders lining the dirt road. I lowered my head down till my chin was against the horse's tattered mane, the wind whipped the horse's mane against my face as we rode. Dragonmount slowly loomed over us as we came closer, eerie tendrils of black smoke swelled around it, making it look like an evil creature waiting to attack. "Hurry…hurry, we must reach the safety of Dragonmount!" Dalamar cried again, his voice warped over the howling wind. We rode hard and fast, the hooves of our galloping horses kicked up dust and dirt behind them, as the shadows of the overhead creatures threatened to close in on us. The eerie screeching of the massive dragons rang threw my ears as they came closer, the beating of their massive leathery wings stirred up dust clouds around us.
ZeldaQueen: They led the boldest of retreats, they turned around, they moved their feet!
I looked up and saw that they were closing in on us, the dragon's Hugh black talons were outstretched, its angry yellow eyes piercing deep into mine. "Dalamar we've been spotted, they're closing in on us!" I cried over the howling wind, my eyes wide with fear.
ZeldaQueen: Then set one on fire! Or knock it away with wind! You're going on about how you're Jenna Almighty and you're going to save Link. So go on, save him from that
"Hurry….we're almost there-Dalamar screeched-we must reach Dragonmount before they do!"
ZeldaQueen: Quotes don't work like that
I booted my horse again, forcing her to go as fast as possible, her eyes wide with fear as the death screeches of the dragons came closer. Dragonmount was just ahead, just a few feet further……we came upon it, the black swells of smoke rose around us as we moved to the base of the gigantic rock formation. Pulling my horse to a skidding stop, I dismounted and moved along side Link and Dalamar while guiding my horse by the reins.
ZeldaQueen: Seriously, I find it hard to believe that the three of them together couldn't take down one of those things. Wusses
"There's a cave just big enough just on the other side. We must hurry and take sanctuary inside it, before the Draconians come for us." Dalamar urged, his crystal blue eyes watching the black skies above. We slowly make our way around the small mountain under the cover of the thick smoke that wrapped around it, it's eeriness causing shivers to run down my spine. We listened as the dead silence was broken by the cries of dragons as they landed just meters from where we were hiding, causing the horses to buck and neigh, they're eyes wide with fear. "Keep those horses quiet, the dragons will hear them!" Dalamar growled. Link and I quieted our horses with a few pats to the neck and words of reassurance.
ZeldaQueen: You've never calmed a jumpy animal before, have you?
The dragons
evil yellow eyes pierced the darkness as they're
nostrils flared in searching for us. We just remained quiet, moving ever so slightly as we made our way to the other side. Just then Dalamar caught sight of what type of dragons were hunting us. "Oh by the Goddesses, those are blue dragons, the most dangerous of all dragons.
ZeldaQueen: You don't say? PDORD Count = 94
They're eyes can see the slightest movements, as they can smell almost anything. We must remain cautious, they're searching for us and if we move too fast they'll spot us for sure." Dalamar whispered as he forced his back up against the smooth surface of Dragonmount. As we moved, I watched as the two dragons piercing yellow eyes scanned the base of the mountain for us, they're jaws gapped open, exposing they're
ZeldaQueen: "THEIR"!
long fangs against the blackness.
Just looking at those yellow eyes
ZeldaQueen: Shut up about eyes! PDORD Count = 95
full of blood lust made my body quiver in fear, as they're
ZeldaQueen: "THEIR"! FUCK!
long fangs looked as if they could tear a man in half. Then I noticed something move against the back of one of the dragons. As I narrowed my eyes, I was able to make out a figure in black armor, lined with skulls of death, its helm shaped like a skull with horns as a dark blue cape whipped wildly around the figures shoulders. In the figure's hand was a long sword with the emblem of a (20)Black Lilly at the base of the blade.
ZeldaQueen: Right, I fail to see why she's describing it in so much detail when she put it in the damned footnotes, but whatever. More footnotes! "The Black Lilly is the symbol of the Shadow Realm and all Dark knights are required to wear this upon their armor as a symbol of their allegiance and blood oath to Lord Ariakas". Ignoring the fact that we've already heard that in the last footnotes, yet another misspelled word which is, as I said before, my name. I'm not pleased. Leave my name out of this, you bitch
It's deadly surface reflected against the dim light of the moon. "Oh no by the goddesses, those must be the Dark Knights Dalamar told us about." I whispered to my self, eying the dark figure on the dragon's back. "If they are as deadly as Dalamar says, then we must escape at all costs."
ZeldaQueen: NO, REALLY?
I pushed up closer against Link, taking his hand in mine and squeezed it tightly. "Don't worry my love, we'll be all right." Link reassured soothingly, his hand squeezing mine back. "We won't be if we don't hurry, the cave's just up ahead." Dalamar retorted quietly, his beak brushing against the thick smoke.
ZeldaQueen: Seriously, what happened to Jenna's "I'll save you!" speech from before? Now they're in danger and it's the perfect chance for her to prove it and what's she do? Cower and have Link comfort her!
Just before we made it to the cave entrance, one of the dragons stepped out just a few feet from it, its yellow eyes staring directly down in the direction where we were hiding. Its nostrils flared as it sniffed the air, its mouth gaped wide, thick saliva dripping from its fangs. "Oh no by the fires of hell, I think they're on to us!" Dalamar cursed, the color draining from his eyes.
ZeldaQueen: I honestly think that the Suethor isn't a native English-speaker and she is mistaking "eyes" for some other word. Why else does she keep talking about them changing color and whatnot?
"It must smell the horses! Horsemeat is a dragons favorite food!"
ZeldaQueen: It's not like people are smelly too!
"Then what the hell do you suppose we're going to do!?" Link growled, his face twisting into a scowl.
ZeldaQueen: Feed them the Sue-horses? *is hopeful*
"We have no choice but to break for it, hopefully we can out run them." Dalamar returned. Though the thought of running straight into a dragons claws didn't make Dalamar rest any easier.
Link and I mounted our horses and waited for Dalamar's signal. "On my signal take off and break left, hopefully we can get ahead of them before they notice we've left." "Now go!" Dalamar cried as he took off at full throttle, breaking just left of the dragon's right side. Booting my horse in the legs, the animal took off at full speed behind Link's stallion, following the same path Dalamar took. As we broke north towards the Black Mountains, I heard shouting from behind. "There they go, after them! They have a damned Griffin with them, we must capture it!" Came some of the cries as they noticed us running away. The sound of heavy beating wings filled the air as the massive blue dragons took flight, they're
ZeldaQueen: "THEIR"!
cries breaking the dead silence of the night. I hunched down against the horse's neck, its ragged mane whipping against my face as we pushed to reach the sanctuary of the Black Mountains.
"Hurry, push faster, they're gaining on us!" Dalamar shouted. As I looked up, I saw one of the massive beasts closing in on us, its claws outstretched as it started dipping into a dive, its mouth gaped wide. "Oh my Goddesses….Link one of them is almost on top of us!" I screamed as I heard the massive beating wings just overhead. Then out of nowhere, the other blue dragon dropped down in front of us, its mouth open wide, as it blocked our path. The horses skidded to a halt, neighed and bucked, almost throwing Link and I off their backs. Then the other dragon landed behind us, its heavy beating wings kicking up dust and sand around it. "Holy shit were
trapped!" Dalamar cried, his eyes turning a ghostly white.
ZeldaQueen: Yep, I believe the Suethor keeps meaning to write "face" there
"How right you are, you will not escape the Dark Knights of Ariakas." Sneered one of the figures looming on the dragon in front of us. "Surrender quietly, and we just might go easy on you." The other Knight sneered. I watched as Link pulled the Master Sword out of its sheath. "I will not surrender to the likes of you." Link returned angrily, pointing it directly at the Knight in front of us. "Then prepare to die, all of you." The Knight sneered as he dismounted off the dragon in front of us, unsheathing his sword.
I unfastened my Phoenix circles from my waist, and prepared for battle. I heard a clacking sound of weapons clashing behind me as I confronted the other one. "Dalamar, quickly run behind a rock to my right. I will handle this one." I yelled to the Griffin, my eyes resting on the Knight still on dragonback. I raised my weapons up in front of me and grinned. "Now dark beast, come and get me." Pulling the blue closer, I watched as the Dark Knight unsheathed his massive sword and pointed it directly at me. "Then die wench." The Knight returned angrily as the blue danced closer. I backed up, and faced the Knight head on, my weapons raised in defense. He pulled the blue even closer, the breath from its gaped mouth caused me to gag, its deadly yellow eyes staring at me with blood lust. But I held my ground and slashed out with my weapons. The Phoenix Circles connected, ripping a gash along the beasts left nostril. Crimson red sputtered into the air, drenching my once pink dress.
ZeldaQueen: She wore a pink dress? To go through a desert and mountain range?
The blue roared in fury, its cry caused the blood in my ears to throb.
The dragon moved in again, its deadly claws lashed out, catching my blood soaked dress, ripping it. I swung again with my weapons, only to be met with the clank of a sword against them. The Knight pushed his sword down against mine, the tip nearing my throat. Pulling back suddenly, I thrust my weapons forward again, the round blades connecting with the Dark Knight's wrist, crimson seeping out from under his gauntlet hand. He screamed in fury, his sword glaring against the moonlight as he struck it down against my Phoenix Circles again, causing a shower of sparks to rain from the air. We sparred for a few minutes before the blue lashed its tail out, ramming it into my legs, causing me to go crashing to the ground. I staggered dizzily, trying to get up, only to be met by the tip of a sword in my face. I looked up and saw both blues with they're riders looming over me. Link had been captured and was tied up and hung over one of the dragon's back. Dalamar no where in sight. "Where's the Griffin?" One of the dragon riders asked. Silence.
ZeldaQueen: "Silence" is not a sentence
"Answer me wench!" He yelled, swiping the sword across my cheek causing small rivers of blood to seep from it. "I will never tell you, you dark bastards!" I sneered as I did a sudden roll and moved to the left, just before one of the dragon's mouth struck.
ZeldaQueen: Didn't she just tell the Griffin to go behind "the rock to [her] right"? Either the Dark Knights are dumb as bricks (most likely) or they're blind as bats and deaf as a doorpost
I ran a few meters into a nearby canyon, then backed up against the stone wall, and watched as the two blues closed in on me, they're riders, raising spears ready to strike. At that moment I took the opportunity to strike. Raising my hands into the air, I proceeded to call upon the elements. "Kamas mu matar!" I cried skyward as my hands begun to glow a bright red, fire flaming on the tips of my fingers. With a sudden flash, the moon turned a blood red as fire shot down from the sky, striking down on the blues in a raging fury, causing them to scream in pain as the hellish blaze singed their scaled skin.
ZeldaQueen: Very good Jenna. Now, why didn't you do that from the beginning, you dumb bint?
With the distraction in place, I took the opportunity again to make my final strike. "Dalamar now! Grab Link off that damned beast's back." I screamed, as I held the dragons back behind a wall of fire. With a loud cry, the Snowy white Griffin took flight from behind a nearby boulder and rose skyward. His wings beating heavily as he dipped in his flight, diving just above the blues back, grabbing Link in his talons. Rising swiftly back in the air
ZeldaQueen: COMMA!
Dalamar moved out of range allowing me to make my final attack. I focused my mind and called upon the ancient powers of the Silverlites. I focused all my energy and concentrated it into one energy attack, then unleashed it, sending it down upon them in a massive explosion, thrusting the blues and they're riders back into the pits of hell.
ZeldaQueen: JENNA SMASH!
And I'm really angry here. So Link, the Hero of Time, the guy who's fought countless monsters and demons and lived to tell the tale, is just treated as a nuisance while Jenna effortlessly blows these guys to kingdom come. Right.
Oh, and Link's Queen? Answer me this, m'dear...if Jenna can do that, why didn't she do it from the beginning instead of all of that sneaking around? And no, don't tell me it was just how the dream went. If that's the case, then your dream self is a complete and utter MORON!
After the smoke cleared, I found Dalamar had crash-landed about twenty meters from where the dragons once stood. I ran over to him as the Griffin slowly opened his crystal blue eyes halfway. "Did you do it
ZeldaQueen: COMMA!
my friend?" Nodding, tears began to well up in my eyes as I watched his falter. "Dalamar…don't you dare leave me!" I cried as my hands grabbed down on the feathers around his neck. "I'm fine, m' lady, just…tired." Dalamar replied his voice raspy and stuttered. "Where's Link Dalamar, what did you do with him!?" I cried again, yanking on his white feathers. "Calm down lass, he's right here next to me on my other side, he's fine but unconscious." Dalamar whispered just before unconsciousness clamed him as well.
ZeldaQueen: Oh my God, that's just like every other cliche death movies. Aliens vs Monsters handled it with more dignity! And I love how she suddenly starts throttling the severely injured guy to know where Link is. "Yes, I know you're dying, but where's my love-slave, dammit?"
I had spent nearly that entire night by a small fire at the base of the canyon we had ran into, caring for Link and Dalamar as they laid there
ZeldaQueen: COMMA!
unconscious. My whole body ached, even my eyes ached from them staying open, but I had to remain awake incase any more dragons entered the skies above. I just sat there and poked at the fire with a stick when suddenly I head a slight moan. Looking over I saw Link was beginning to come around. I quickly got to my feet and ran over beside him. Kneeling down next to him, I looked into his half open eyes, the slight blue glistening under the moonlight. "Oh by the Goddesses you're awake." I said softly as I took Link's gloved hand into mine. He slowly raised his other hand and gently placed it against my cheek. "Are you ok, my beloved?" He said in half a whisper. I raised my other hand and rested in against his, the warmth of his smooth fingers caressed my cheek as I rubbed my cheek against them.
ZeldaQueen: Blah, blah, blah, more sappy stuff.
I almost fully have stopped caring by now, in case you can't tell
"Yes…yes I'm fine my love. But you need to get some rest. You were badly beaten and have a nasty burse
ZeldaQueen: I think you mean "bruise"
on your forehead." I returned lovingly, whispering softly against his gentle fingers. "Where's Dalamar……is he alright?" Link said as his eyes shifted slightly.
ZeldaQueen: Um Link, I think you have a case of ellipses diarrhea. Don't worry, I'm sure they have medicine for that
"He's here and he's fine, but still unconscious…now shhh…you need to sleep, rest easy my love, I will care for both of you while you sleep." I whispered softly as I lowered my lips to his and kissed him gently. Shifting his head slightly, his deep blue eyes rested upon mine as a small smile crossed his battered face. "Thank you my dearest wife, I love you always….." Came his words as he closed his eyes and rested back into a deep sleep.
ZeldaQueen: I wonder what would happen if I wrote my initials in pen on every leaf on my neighbor's bushes?
Oh yeah, the fanfic. Sorry about that
I spent the rest of the night watching over them as I sat shuddering by the fire.
ZeldaQueen: Don't you mean "shivering"?
I lived in fear that Ariakas would send more of his Dark Knights or have his Draconians patrol the skies looking for us.
ZeldaQueen: Why? You stopped the last ones easily enough. How are you supposed to be Hyrule's Mighty Warrior if you can't deal with those yahoos?
So I did the best to keep the fire small, as well as kept a bucket of sand near incase
ZeldaQueen: Needs a space, love
I had to douse the fire quickly. But to my surprise, the remaining of the night was spent quiet
ZeldaQueen: COMMA!
with no signs of Ariakas's Knights or his Draconians. So I sat and waited, waited for the night to pass and so that we could finish making our way to the Black Mountains.
ZeldaQueen: PDORD Count = 96
It was during that time that Dalamar finally awakened from unconsciousness and started resting peacefully.
ZeldaQueen: Yes, rest in peace Dalamar. *sporks with extreme prejudice*
ZeldaQueen: God damn, this chapter just won't end! Just a little more, folks! I promise!
Onward to:
Chapter 17: A New Friend (Part 3) Back to:
Chapter 17: A New Friend (Part 1) Return to:
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