My Inner Life: Chapter 17 - A New Friend (Part 3)

May 02, 2010 13:43

ZeldaQueen: Jesus H. Christ is this dragging! Onward and outward!

Projection Room Voices: Starting Media in 3...2...1...

Chapter 17: A New Friend (Part 3)

The sky was setting off tones of yellow and orange as the sun started rising above the horizon.

ZeldaQueen: Is that like setting off fireworks?

I slowly rose from my place by the now doused fire and walked over to where Link was resting and rustled him awake.

ZeldaQueen: Rustle, rustle

I greeted him with a gentle kiss to the lips and a few soft words before giving him some herbs to help him feel better.

ZeldaQueen: To relieve my boredom, I'm going to pretend that those were marijuana leaves. Link is officially high for the rest of this scene

After I was sure he was fine, I went to wake Dalamar. Slowly the snowy Griffin rose to his clawed feet, his crystal eyes glistening under the sunlight as he looked me over. I handed him some of my healing herbs, then proceeded to pack the blanket tolls and cooking supplies back onto the horses. After I was finished, I faced my two companions. "I think if you both are well enough to travel then we should start making our way to the Black Mountains." With a nod Dalamar walked forward. "I agree Jenna, I'm well enough to travel, what about you Link?" The Griffin inquired. Link just nodded in response. "Well if were all ready them we should move out." I returned as I mounted my mare. After Link mounted his stallion and got situated, we moved out, making our way out of the canyon we were hiding and back down the barren rocky path towards the Black Mountains.

ZeldaQueen: THIS IS BORING! I mean, this is Stephenie-Meyer levels of boring padding!

Most of the morning was spent quiet while we ate dried meat and cheese for breakfast. I rode behind Link as he followed the path that Dalamar had laid out. The barren trails that we followed soon turned into a vast deselect area of rolling hills and dried grass. And in the distance appeared the silhouette of the Black Mountains. We came to a stop just atop a small rocky hill, the warm breeze rustling the hair on our heads and swishing the manes of our horses. "There is the home of my people, the Black Mountains. We should reach there by nightfall." Dalamar said as the feathers around his neck ruffled, his tufted ears twitching in anticipation as his eyes rested towards his home. "As long as we don't stop to rest we should hopefully be able to cross this area without any threat of Draconians dropping in on us." With a look skyward, my body shuddered at the thought of those blue dragons. "Yeah…I sure hope that we don't encounter anymore of them." I whispered to myself.

ZeldaQueen: Despite the fact that you blew one up with virtually no problem before

"Well I think we should move out and make way at a faster pace. Lets say at half gallop." I suggested, my eyes resting towards the tall dark shadow in the distance.

ZeldaQueen: Yes! By all means, move faster so we can get something interesting to happen!

"Do you both think you're up to it?" I questioned Link and Dalamar as I pulled back on the reins, causing my mare to dance in anxiety. "I agree Jenna, being here out in the open, we will be like sitting ducks should any Draconians come patrolling this area. I wouldn't even doubt it if they are looking for us now." Dalamar looked skyward, his nostrils flaring as his face filled with concern. "It would be wise if we stay at least one step ahead of them. Prevent them from ever catching up to us." Link and I just stared at the worried Griffin, our horses dancing in anxiety as if they were worried about something. "Dalamar, the horses are acting worried. They keep dancing as if they're afraid of something."

ZeldaQueen: Yes, thank you for stating the obvious, Link! PDORD Count = 97

Link said as he pulled back on the reins then patted his stallion on the neck to calm it. "Horses can sense dragons from miles away." Dalamar replied worried. "I think we should get moving now, it's too dangerous to remain here any longer."
I watched as Dalamar started off at mid run, his talons digging into the dry dirt, causing small clouds of dust to rise in his wake. I glanced over at Link as he nodded. With that I booted my horse in the legs

ZeldaQueen: RIBS!

and followed behind Link at half gallop. The dryness of the plains caused my throat to dry out

ZeldaQueen: PDORD Count = 98

and sand to cake to my skin as it kicked up from behind the hooves of Link's horse.

ZeldaQueen: How much debris is Link's horse kicking up? It makes it sound like she's standing behind the Flintstone car or something

But I pushed onward, the outline of the Black Mountains soon giving way to images of rocky cliffs and small cave openings along the mountains. The black rock of the mountain shimmered against the sunlight as if it shone of a thousand diamonds, it's


immense beauty caused me to stare in awe.

At about midday we reached the base of the Black Mountains. We dismounted and guided our horses towards the main entrance into the mountain where Dalamar waited. As he eyed us over his crystal blue eyes flickered with contentment from finally being home once again. "I must see the Council Elders and tell them of my safe return home.

ZeldaQueen: (Dalamar) "I need to speak to the Griffin Council. The situation has become much more complicated"

Please follow me, this cave leads to our city just atop the mountain." Dalamar said as he walked inside the cave, the torches lit along the cave walls causing his white feathers to glisten red. Link and I followed, guiding our horses behind us as we made our way up the dim winding trail that let to the top. After a tiring hike, we finally emerged into a beautiful city. The buildings were made of pearl white stone, the roads paved in a beautiful marble and the streets bustling with Griffins of all different colors, shapes and sizes. Female Griffins walked with their little younglings as they ran around their clawed feet while they played. The market was brimming with lively Griffins about their daily wares. Some stood in front of their shops sweeping the pavement while others walked into taverns for a much-needed drink.

ZeldaQueen: Yes, I'd say a drink is much-needed. I don't suppose we're going to get any sort of history or information on the Griffins, are we? Like how they got white stone to build the city when the entire mountain is made of black stone? Or where they get the various goods to trade when we find out later that they aren't allowed in contact with humans or to leave Dragonmount

Then my eyes rested upon a tall white tower with a marble roof resting in the center of the city. A flag with the symbol of a Griffin on its hind legs with its wings spread flapped in the wind at the top. All I could do was stare in awe at the magnificent tower that loomed in front of me.

ZeldaQueen: All I get is an image of Jenna wandering around with her mouth hanging open

Then my eyes moved to the snowy white Griffin standing next to me. "That is the tower of the Griffin Council (21)(Also known as the Tower of Elders), the place where the Council Elders lie." Dalamar quoted, his eyes transfixed forward.

ZeldaQueen: Unless someone else said those exact words before, you do not mean that he quoted. And the Tower of Elders huh? Well that sounds nothing like the Tower of Hera from A Link to the Past.

Oh, and the footnote? "The Griffin Council (Also known as the Tower of Elders) are a group of the oldest and wisest Griffins among their kind. These elder Griffins are responsible for the safety, political decisions and rule making of the Griffin society. The Griffin Council was founded during the time of the Great War when the humans thrust their kind into slavery. It was during that time that the Griffin Council decided that humans were not to be trusted, even after the war ended and peace was restored. Now with the threat of Ariakas and his Draconians, the Council elders have sealed off their borders to human access and have deemed all Griffins denied access past Dragonmount. Even though the Griffins do not trust humans, it was well known that High Priestess Alhana granted access to Link and his wife Jenna Silverblade and also gave them one of their precious Mind Glyphs because of their heroic deed in returning one of their kind back safely to them when he was stranded in Hyrule due to a Draconian attack. But even though the Griffins do not just trust anyone, they hope to one day, trust all humans once again" Okay, where to start with all of that? First of all,

ZeldaQueen: Search your feelings. You know it to be true.

Second of all, as I said above, they cut off all ties to human lands. Right. So where are all of these resources coming in from? They live on a mountain with gemstones, so I can understand if they sell a lot of jewel-related items. But we later see that they have clay pottery, fabulously expensive silk, and ale made from fermented roots. So where is that all from, if they're banned from leaving their land?

Third of all, I love how secretive the Griffins are. Apparently bringing one of them back is sufficient to get any Joe and Jane to visit the High Super Secret Amazing Council

Finally, if Griffins played such a big part in the history of Hyrule, WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TALK ABOUT THEM IN THE GAME? Lord, Suethor, stop making things up! It's hardly like the games give you nothing to work with on their own!!!

"I must go now and see the elders, Jenna, you and Link can wait for me at the inn. I will return shortly." Dalamar said as he turned to leave.

"Ok my friend we will be waiting for you at the inn then.

ZeldaQueen: Please shut up about the inn. PDORD Count = 99

See you soon." Link returned as he took my hand and led me into the city. We made our way into the marble streets and among the crowd of lively Griffins. My eyes just stared transfixed as we walked threw

ZeldaQueen: THROUGH!

the streets, the eyes of passing Griffins watched us as we walked by, their stares of distrust caused me to move up against Link.

ZeldaQueen: First of all, RUN-ON!

Second of all, as if you need an excuse to cuddle up with your Twu Wuv

He looked down into my worried eyes as he put a comforting arm around me, while our free hands pulled on the reins of our horses, guiding them behind us. Then we finally reached the inn, the sign on the front read The Griffin's Vineyard. Link went inside to fetch a stable hand to take our horses to the stable.

ZeldaQueen: PDORD Count = 100

When he came back, he had a big burly dark brown Griffin with him, his red eyes shone with caution as he walked forth and reared up on his hind legs. Taking the reins of our horses in his talons, he led them to the back of the inn and into the stables. Then Link and I headed inside. The inn was clean, its wooden floors were swept and shiny. The innkeeper, a slender tan female Griffin was busy wiping the counter with a damp rag while husky Griffins of all different colors sat around tables drinking ale.

ZeldaQueen: Translation - nothing interesting happened

Link and I walked up to the innkeeper, her black eyes locking with ours. "Innkeep

ZeldaQueen: COMMA!

my wife and I would like a hot meal and a room for the night." Link said as he placed three red rupees on the counter.

ZeldaQueen: Sixty rupees for a room? Mighty expensive inn they're running

The innkeeper slowly lifted her slender clawed hand and took the rupees into it. She pulled them close to her beaked face and examined them before looking back at us. "I got one room and it be stewed pork with potatoes to eat this night." She returned, her hard gaze resting upon us.

ZeldaQueen: How convenient. One room, just for the Sue.

And again, where do they get pigs and potatoes in the mountains?

Link and I went and sat at a table near the fire, its red glow reflecting off our skin as it warmed us. "Oh and Innkeeper, bring us a jug or your best ale, I think we both need a good drink this night." Link added nonchalantly, as he unfastened his scabbard from his back and laid it next to him, his hand resting gently on the hilt.

ZeldaQueen: Oh great, Link and Jenna are getting hammered. This is going to suck

I just sat there and stared into the fire, the flames flickered and danced causing haunting shapes to form in them.

ZeldaQueen: RUN-ON!

I felt Link's soft stare rest upon me. "Jenna are you ok? You look troubled." My eyes continued to stare deeply into the fire. "Jenna, what's wrong? Jenna…" I watched as the flames continued to dance, my eyes transfixed on them, dragging my mind into a state of deep thought, when suddenly I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. Snapping out of my trance, I looked over to see Link staring at me with concern in his deep blue eyes. "Huh……oh Link what's wrong?" I asked, my eyes locking with his. "I was just asking you the same hon. You seemed lost there for a moment." His hand gently rested on top of mine, his soft blue eyes stared deeply into mine. "What's troubling you my love?"

ZeldaQueen: I think Link's Queen was trying to do that thing were one person goes off into deep thought and doesn't notice the other calling to them. Given how terrible the sentence structures are though, it really doesn't work.

And one doesn't say "hon" in Hyrule canon

I returned to staring into the fire. "I'm still thinking of last night when those Draconians attacked us. I still remember those wicked yellow eyes and dank breath. And even those damn Dark Knights, with their twisted laughs, and that devilish black armor they wore," Shivers started to run up my spine, as my skin suddenly seemed to turn cold. "I never thought in all my days I would encounter something as evil as them."

ZeldaQueen: Right. A little Legend of Zelda monster lore for you folks

ZeldaQueen: That fine specimen is a ReDead. It hangs around places like tombs or abandoned cities, just standing there looking creepy. If it sees you, it gives a horrifying shriek which literally paralyzes you with fear, while it stumbles towards you. When it reaches you, it grabs hold and bites your neck, sucking your life out. If you kill one, any others in the area start automatically stumbling your way

ZeldaQueen: That right there is a Dead Hand. You fight it at the bottom of a haunted well. You can only lure it out by letting yourself be grabbed by those hands sticking out of the ground, and then you have to free yourself to attack it when it shoots out of the ground and starts shuffling over. If you don't get free in time, it'll give you a nice chomp before disappearing and forcing you to start over

ZeldaQueen: That's Bongo Bongo. He's a large fucking demon that resides in a place called the Shadow Temple, which basically serves as the Royal Family Tomb.

So yeah. Jenna dear? Face some of those suckers and then come at me about how oh-so-scary the Dark Knights are. Given that you killed one in jig time, I'm not in the least bit moved

I felt Link's other hand clasp over mine as he held in within his warm palms, his fingers curling around mine. "Now I'm worried just how far this might go, those dark bastards have harnessed the powers of the dragons, and with that much power, they just might be a worse threat then Gannondorf ever was.


I say as soon as were done here," my eyes moved back to Link's. "We must make haste back to Hyrule and inform Princess Zelda of what we found." I said grimly as I felt the cold shivers continue to run up my spine.

ZeldaQueen: How cute, you're pretending to think that Zelda is useful

"I agree love," Link said as a young cream-colored female Griffin decked in dazzling jewelry came walking over to our table on her hind legs carrying a tray with mugs in her slender talons.

ZeldaQueen: Why would Griffins have mugs? They don't have human guests and it would be really hard if not impossible for them to drink out of one with their beaks

"But we've been threw

ZeldaQueen: "THROUGH"!

so much in the last day, I think we should leave in the morning after we've both have had a good nights

ZeldaQueen: Unless it's more than one night, you need an apostrophe

sleep."  Link and I watched as the young Griffin plopped down two mugs on the table, then a large clay pot.

ZeldaQueen: Again, why would Griffins have clay pots? Even assuming that there was clay in the mountains, how would they be able to sculpt things like that with their claws?

The female Griffin smiled

ZeldaQueen: COMMA!

turned and walked away. Popping the cork, Link inhaled the fumes with a gusty

ZeldaQueen: I don't think that's the word you want

sigh of contentment, his mouth watering in anticipation.

ZeldaQueen: You know, normally people only describe their own mouths as watering. Unless, of course, you're implying that he's watering enough for Jenna to notice, in which case I can only assume that Link's drooling like a ninety-year-old man all over the table


ZeldaQueen: COMMA!

that's prime." Link said with satisfaction.

ZeldaQueen: (Link) "How utterly sublime it is! See how out of character I am, my dear?"

"Give me your mug

ZeldaQueen: COMMA!

Although she used "your" correctly. I think I might go into shock

dear," Link said as he poured himself a mug of (22)Griffin Spice.

ZeldaQueen: Stop using the word "mug". There are synonyms, you know. PDORD Count = 101

And footnote time! "Griffin Spice is a very potent type of spiced ale. The Griffins are the only species that make this type of ale. No one is quite sure what type of spice the Griffins use in their ale to make it so potent, but some people think they use the Tapus Root which if eaten causes hallucinatory effects. If the Tapus Root is left to ferment in alcohol, it gives the drink a sharp taste, but causes one to get drunk more quickly then most types of ale". Yep, I was right - Link gets high in this chapter. Not quite sure how one finds roots used for making alcohol up in the mountains or how Griffins (who have no fingers) cultivate the things, but I guess we haven't had logic for most of this fic, so why start now?

"This stuff will warm your chilled bones."

ZeldaQueen: She used it right again! I'm regaining my will to live! Slightly!

Lifting the mug to his lips, Link took a long pull of the Griffin Spice then thumped the mug back down on the table. "Ah that's invigorating." He said smugly

ZeldaQueen: I don't think that word means what you think it does

as he slid my mug back to me. "Drink up my love, it will help you." I peered into the mug before lifting it to my lips and drinking the concoction that was within it. Lowering the mug back to the table I smiled at Link. "Mmm…you were right love, this stuff is great." I said pleasantly.

ZeldaQueen: Of course he was right. Every decision Link makes for you is perfectly right and you do it without complaint, unless it gets in the way of you looking good

We just sat there and reveled in the Griffin Spice, drinking the entire jug then calling for seconds.

ZeldaQueen: I think you lost an "and" in there...

Soon after, we were falling slouched in our chairs, the ale had gone to our heads. "Link….I thhiink it's time to go to bbedd." I said in a slurred tone. Nodding, his eyes blurry, he got up, staggered over to the innkeeper and pounded his fist on the counter. "Innkeep……mmyy wife and I will go to ourrr rrrooms now." Link slurred loudly.

ZeldaQueen: Erm, Link's Queen? Just putting in extra vowels and consonants at random isn't how you write alcoholic slurring

"Hmmm I see that you've had too much to drink, I will have Tara show you to your room."  The Griffin added, a slight grin upon her beaked face.

ZeldaQueen: Yes, because drunk people are so funny. How does one smile when one has a beak, anyway?

And I believe that the dialogue should have been two sentences

After a minute, the cream colored Griffin we saw earlier emerged from the kitchen, a soft smile upon her beaked face.

ZeldaQueen: Yes I get it! She's smiling and has a beak! PDORD Count = 102

"Come, I will show you to your room." She said as she turned and started heading up the stairs. We both staggered behind her, blurred images of floating objects appeared before me as we ascended the stairs.

ZeldaQueen: Link's Queen has never been drunk before, has she?

Well I haven't either, granted, but I'm fairly sure that this isn't how it works. Especially since we saw earlier that Link and Jenna had no problem drinking and that they only had two rounds here

We followed the Griffin down a dimly lit hallway and stopped at the end in front of a door. With her talons, she produced a small key and unlocked the door, opening it. "Well here it is, I hope you both sleep well." Tara said smugly

ZeldaQueen: What does she have to be smug about?

as she turned and walked away.

Leaning against Link, we both stumbled into the room, slamming the door shut behind us. I unbuckled my Phoenix Circles and tossed them on the floor as I plopped down onto the feather bed. Looking blearily up at Link, I traced my fingertips across the empty spot next to me. "Come to bed love, lie down with me." I slurred seductively.

ZeldaQueen: Thankfully, we don't get sex here. Those scenes are bad enough when they're sober

Taking his sword and throwing it on the table, he slinked into the bed next to me and pulled the sheet up over us. I went into his warm muscular arms and laid my head against his chest, my fingers tracing meaningless patterns over his stomach. I listened to the beating of his heart as he gentle broad hand stroked my hair. Images of blissful memories filled into my mind as I closed my eyes and drifted into another world--a world of unicorns and small creatures who lifted me up and ran away with me…..

ZeldaQueen: Yes, a world of bunnies and unicorns and rainbows for the Sue.

Lay of the ellipses, will you?


ZeldaQueen: *sobbing* I don't believe this! How long is this chapter?!?

Onward to: Chapter 17: A New Friend (Part 4)

Back to: Chapter 17: A New Friend (Part 2)

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chapter 17, sue entry: jenna silverblade, suethor: link's queen, part 3, the final fight, guest sporker: link, my inner life

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