Study Break--JE

Dec 24, 2007 12:04

Title: Study Break
Fandom: Johnny's Entertainment
Characters: Kato Shigeaki, Nishikido Ryo
Rating: G, gen
Disclaimer: Nope.
Summary: Shige studies. Ryo interrupts. XD
Notes: For guingel. Merry Christmas! I'm so happy to know you, hon. <3 Superdrabble. [Part of my one-shot no edit Christmas series.]

Shige realizes he's sick of studying about thirty seconds before the words blur. His forehead hits the pages with a muffled thud, and he manages to mostly stifle a low groan.

Ryo, sitting across the room, barely glances up from his magazine. "Are you giving up?"

"Yes," Shige says, feigning misery. "No, just taking a break." He leans back and closes his eyes, letting the artificial light hit his face for what he swears might be the first time in days. He's spent too long hunched over a book.

"Finally," Ryo answers, putting the magazine aside. "I've read this thing three times, and I was getting sick of waiting."

Shige looks over at Ryo. "Waiting? What for?"

"To stop being bored," Ryo says as he takes a seat at the table next to Shige. "Uchi canceled on me for lunch. He has a meeting."



"Ah." Shige reads the faintest line of worry on Ryo's face, but it disappears as quickly as it came. He's thoughtful for a moment before he realizes that Ryo is just staring at him.

"What?" Ryo grins.

"What?" Shige echoes.

Ryo grins again and slides Shige's book over. "What are you studying?"

Shige opens his mouth to explain, then thinks better of it. "Stuff I will never use. Ever. In my entire life."

"That's productive," Ryo says, pushing the book back over. "So, what are we going to do?" His tone is expectant, with just an edge of false pushiness--and Shige is used to that by now.

Shige's stomach growls. "We could go eat."

"Already ate."

Shige quirks an eyebrow. "A walk?"

"Leg's asleep," Ryo says, rubbing one knee.


"I already know it all."

Shige grasps at straws; his brain is too tired to think of anything else reasonable. "Truth or dare?"


"Oh, come on, I played it with Ko--"


"Okay, then we could--"


"..." Shige picks up a pencil and twirls it between his fingers for a moment before throwing it at Ryo. Ryo dodges, laughing, and sprints out of the room.


news, kato shigeaki, nishikido ryo, johnny's entertainment

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