Ultimate Christmas Power--JE

Dec 24, 2007 11:35

Title: Ultimate Christmas Power
Fandom: Johnny's Entertainment
Characters: Yokoyama Yu, Murakami Shingo, Hey! Say! 7
Rating: G
Disclaimer: ...I really want to take Chinen and put him in my pocket.
Summary: Yoko's ultimate Christmas plan!
Notes: For lege_nya. Merry Christmas!

"It won't work." They're both wearing black.

"Of course it'll work! I planned the whole thing out. It will definitely work." Except for the Santa hats.

Hina frowns at Yoko as Yoko picks up the large sack and heads down the street.

"Somebody is going to think you've robbed someone, and I'm going to pretend not to know you."

Yoko pauses, then turns slowly on Hina. "You offered to help--"

"--You conned me into it--"

"--so quit complaining!"

"You'll get arrested without me, genius!"

The first five stops go off without a hitch: they only have to break and enter once. ("That is NOT how Santa does it, idiot!" "Improvisation! I learned this on Yuukan Club.")

It's the last five that are the real challenge.

Yoko and Hina haven't confirmed which members of Hey! Say! 7 actually believe in Santa Claus. In Yoko's opinion, it's a 50/50 chance. They're old enough to know better, probably, but if they don't there's a chance they're camping out.

And that's what makes Hina nervous.

There's music playing at the Okamoto home, but nobody seems to be awake at first glance. Yoko starts prodding at the window, when suddenly there is a rustling noise. Hina pulls him down. They decide to leave the package at the door with a quick hit and run knock.

The Yamada home is pitch black, and Yoko searches for a chimney in earnest before Hina smacks him.

At Yuto's house there's a party winding down. Someone steps outside just as Yoko and Hina approach. Awkward smiles are exchanged, and Yoko smiles and nods a bit before Hina thrusts the gift into the guest's hands and retreats.

Chinen's home is dimly lit, but the door is unlocked and there are soft bells hanging on the doorknob. Yoko and Hina creep in as quietly as they can, believing that they've made it without being seen. They slide the present beneath the tree just as footsteps enter the room.


Yoko turns around and grins, knowing he has been caught. "Ho ho ho!" He doesn't bellow it, but it has the desired effect. Chinen giggles, covering his mouth briefly. He and Yoko exchange grins and thumbs-up.

"One more!" Yoko whispers.

"Good luck!" Chinen wanders off to the kitchen and leaves a stunned Hina and amused Yoko by the tree.

"Let's go," Yoko says, grabbing Hina's arm and dragging him off for once.

They arrive at the Morimoto residence with a sack that's still half-full. Hina knows the plan, and fishes the full Santa suit out of the bag (sans boots). Yoko carefully puts it on, adjusting the fake beard three or four times before he's ready to go.

Again, there's a dim light coming from the home, but there doesn't appear to be anyone there. This particular delivery was pre-arranged, so the door has been left unlocked.

Yoko enters quietly, glancing around. He rounds the entry corner and heads straight for the tree, but Hina's hand on his shoulder stops him. He glances back, and Hina points to the side.

Asleep at the dining table, head cradled on his arms right next to a platter of cookies, is Morimoto Ryutaro. The two men stand and gaze and can't help but grin. "They look a little cute when they're sleeping," Yoko whispers to Hina.

Hina nods. "It's hard to believe, isn't it?"

Yoko pulls a rather large box from the sack and approaches the small tree. It definitely won't fit under it, so he slides it next to the wall.

The child stirs and mutters something in his sleep. Yoko and Hina freeze. There are a few tense moments as his head settles and he buries his nose in the crook of one elbow.

Hina grabs Yoko's arm, mission complete, and they begin to leave.

"Wait," Yoko whispers. "The cookies."

"Leave them," Hina says.

"No, that'll ruin it. Hold on." Hina thinks it's probably the quietest thing Yoko has ever done in his life. Yoko sneaks over to the table and grabs a few of the cookies...

Then a few more.

Then just a few more.

It was a really big plate of cookies.

"Come on!" Hina hisses, and he wonders why it doesn't wake Morimoto up.

Yoko reaches over and pats the boy on the head before tiptoe-sprinting for the door. The child's head lifts and he blinks, vision steadying just enough to see a red and white-clad figure slipping out the door.

He glances at the cookies, then at the tree, and his eyes go wide.

There's a big tag on a box with his name on it.

"To Morimoto Ryutaro:
Do your best!

hey!say!jump, kanjani8, yokoyama yu, murakami shingo, johnny's entertainment

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