Four Times Nino Was (Almost) Subtle (And One Time He Wasn't)--JE

Dec 24, 2007 15:43

Title: Four Times Nino Was (Almost) Subtle (And One Time He Wasn't)
Fandom: Johnny's Entertainment
Characters: Arashi, feat. Ninomiya Kazunari (Ohmiya pairing)
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Nyet.
Summary: Nino's subtle. Really. I promise.
Notes: For lady_gemma. Merry Christmas, hon. Thanks for being there for me.

It was probably the second time they had seen each other ever.

"Your hair..." Nino began. Ohno looked up at him blankly. "It's..."

"Oh?" Ohno almost smiled.

"You know, it looks like..."

"...Yeah." Ohno's face fell a little.

"Not that it's a bad thing!" Nino corrected himself quickly. "I mean, it looks really good. On you."

"It was pretty popular in Kyoto."

Awkward silence.

"Do you miss it?" Nino asked quietly.

"Sometimes." Ohno replied, looking thoughtful. "I miss the people. But it's okay. I'll keep in touch. I'll still see them."

"Well... You don't have to worry, you know."

Ohno looked at Nino again. Nino got up and went to sit beside him. With a grin, he put his arm around Ohno's shoulders.

"We'll take care of you. Oh-chan."

Nino walked up to Ohno holding a sketchbook. "Oh-chan, take a look at this. I'm trying to draw something for a friend."

Ohno looked up from the small lump of clay he was idly shaping to evaluate Nino's work. "Ah..."

"Yeah, it's bad."

"I wasn't going to say that... exactly," Ohno said tactfully.

"Well it is," Nino said, sitting down beside Ohno. He turned the drawing toward his friend and studied his face.

Ohno's face went characteristically blank as he scanned it. "The proportions here could be changed just a little," he said, pointing. "And maybe if you turned the pen the other way and used less pressure it would seem more alive. Less..."

"Stick figure," Nino supplied, and Ohno nodded. "Show me?"

"Sure." Ohno reached for the pen, but Nino ducked his head a little to look at Ohno's face.

"No, I mean, could you...?" He held his hand out, gripping the pen and pointing it at the paper, as if to say that Ohno should guide his hand. Ohno nodded again and made a valiant attempt.

After a few minutes, they both frowned. "Maybe you could try clay?" Ohno suggested, pulling off a small piece and handing it to Nino. Nino took the clay and looked at it curiously. His fingers played over the surface, shaping it randomly.

"Oh." Ohno said suddenly. "You have nice hands."

Nino smiled.

"Five minutes, guys!"

The staff was rushing them all. Countdown was beyond hectic at times, but nobody could deny that it was fun. However--

Nino cried out and pointed at Ohno. "There's something on your sleeve!"

"What?" Ohno pulled the fabric around and stared down at it. Across the white material was a long black streak that looked rather like someone had put their eyeliner in the wrong place. "I wonder if anyone will notice."

Nino reached out and grabbed Ohno's sleeve, leaning down to inspect it. For a moment he was deep in thought. "Got it." He looked around, not letting go of the sleeve and tugging Ohno closer unintentionally. When he turned back, Ohno was in his face; Nino was wielding hairspray.

"Eh?" Ohno looked skeptical.

"Trust me," Nino said with a grin. He shifted his grip, wrapping his hand around Ohno's forearm, then misted hairspray over the stain. "Alright, and..." Nino picked up a water bottle, unthreading the cap with his thumb and covering the opening to sprinkle just a bit over the blurring mark. Ohno looked on calmly.

"And now," Nino continued. He scratched at the streak with his nail vigorously until it disappeared. "It's gone!"

Ohno smiled at him, and Nino held Ohno's arm until they got called up for the stage.

"Switch with me." Nino was nearly begging.

"No," replied Jun. "You just want to stand beside Captain."


"...You're so obvious."

"...Well, he doesn't get it."


Plan A foiled by the princess (and Nino called him that under his breath as Jun walked away), Nino set his mind on plan B.

Of course, plan B wasn't actually a plan. He didn't think he'd need a plan B.

So he was going to have to wing it.

Well, he thought, at least I'm good at making stuff up.

He went to Sho first.

"I want to tell that story about when it rained during drama shooting. During the MC, I mean. What do you think?"

Sho smirked. "Right. The day Ohno brought us lunch?"

"That's a coincidence!"

Aiba was next.

"Let me help you out with A no Arashi."

"Well, I would, but I already asked Captain!"

"Two of us can help, right? It's a pretty big thing you're doing, there." Nino tried his hardest not to look hopeful.

"No," Aiba replied, "I think we can do it! Thanks, though!"

Nino groaned in exasperation as Aiba walked off.

He wasn't sure if his final plan was just plan B part three, or an entirely new plan. But it worked.

During the last song, he conveniently went to the wrong spot. Jun gave him a look, but adjusted to fill the gap. And sure enough, Nino ended up triumphantly leaning on Ohno's shoulder for the ending pose.

It was the last day of the tour, and everyone was giving it their all. Nino peeked out from backstage to watch Ohno's solo. He knew the movements by heart now, had them memorized, imagined he saw them in his dreams when he was careless.

He wasn't sure if he liked that or not.

Ohno finished his solo and trotted off stage, smiling broadly, energy level impossibly high. His eyes rested on Nino and he gave him a thumbs up.

"Best I've done it." Ohno sounded excited. It was pretty contagious.

As the noise for the next solo rose, Nino had to move closer. He nodded. "It was great. And the crowd's amazing tonight."

"No kidding. Let's go get changed."

"Wait." Nino looked at Ohno's face, scanning down from his hair to his chin, and an idea suddenly occurred to him. He quickly glanced around, confirming that the staff was busy.

Without warning, he leaned forward and pressed a firm kiss to Ohno's lips. Surprisingly, Ohno didn't resist in the slightest.

Nino pulled back, grinning. "Let's go."

arashi, ohmiya, ninomiya kazunari, ohno satoshi, johnny's entertainment

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