Two Subassan Drabbles--JE

Dec 27, 2007 03:11

Title: What They Are and Ties
Fandom: Johnny's Entertainment
Characters: Shibutani Subaru, Yasuda Shota
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Nuh-uh.
Summary: Two little insight pieces about their friendship.
Notes: Christmas gifts for two dear friends. <3 Written in very similar styles.

--What They Are--
for elyndys

Subaru and Yasu are lots of things.

Subaru is a pop idol with the soul of a rocker. He is unbridled passion and creativity. His heart is on his sleeve and his honesty is so deep that it causes him pain at times. Subaru is shy and often lonely.

Yasu is a rocker, too, but in a different way. The guitar, rather than his voice, is an extension of his body. His passion overflows. He is cute, even when he doesn't mean to be. Yasu is outgoing, friendly, dependable, loyal.

Subaru and Yasu are best friends. They are soulmates. They are shopping partners, vintage fashionistas. They are honest with each other beyond compare, but still considerate. They are collaborators, mirrors of ideas. They are, and have been, each other's greatest source of support.

But they are not wholly dependent upon each other. They have strong wills, different opinions. When they reach the same conclusions, they often take wholly different paths to get there. They have never tried to become each other, and they would never force the other to change.

Whether they are together or not is irrelevant. The mutual respect between them has created an unbreakable bond. They suppose that they were linked by fate, and will never be convinced otherwise.


for roadwaffle

It's not really common knowledge, but Subaru loves bows. He loves ribbons, ties, scarves, drawstrings, laces. He loves knots and tangles and braids.

Subaru loves them because Yasu loves them. Yasu loves simple little things that he can work out quickly, things that earn him smiles. He likes finishing things, putting the last touch on a costume, on hair, on anything. Because of this, Yasu's fingers always seem to be moving.

Subaru likes Yasu's fingers. He glanced at them one day and doesn't know how he ever stops now. Creativity flows from those fingers, through the pen, over guitar strings, around paint and glitter and rhinestones and needles with thread. Logic flows, too: a quick fix of a problem, flicking something away that no one else has noticed, pushing his hair into place, adjusting a sleeve.

And somehow, afterward, there's always a smile or a nod. Everyone appreciates it, but Subaru appreciates it the most. When Yasu smiles, he smiles. When Yasu is happy, he can't help but feel happier. When Yasu is there, he'll always have a backup, an accent, something that's just right, right when he needs it.

shibutani subaru, subaru/yasu, yasuda shota, kanjani8, drabble

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