Five Times Sho's Degree Was Useful--JE

Sep 30, 2007 02:52

Title: Five Times Sho's Degree Was Useful
Fandom: Johnny's Entertainment
Characters: Arashi, primarily Sakurai Sho
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Kaille's Johnny's. Eeeeew.
Summary: I thought the title was pretty self-explanatory, actually. XD
Notes: Written while actually IN my economics class, and completely inspired by economic theory. Also, "1DK" means one bedroom, dining room, and kitchen.

Jun seemed adamant about his island idea, so Sho decided to indulge him. We only have the have the resources to support things for 100 years! It was simple, then. If they held all of their concerts on the island, they could bring in enough money to their government to keep things running. If they had fans move in and produce the concert goods on the island, they would do even better. While pictures and pamphlets would practically make themselves, he had no idea where they would find an island with the raw materials for much else. A few quick calculations at home one night left a confident smile on Sho's face. After his impressive presentation, it was much easier to dissuade the "king."

As time goes on, things change for Arashi. People's tastes in music change. The world itself changes. Living situations change. For a few years, this is the biggest thing on Sho's mind. He won't show it, but a part of him worries about what might happen to all of them if pop dies off in Japan. He carefully works toward everything he had planned before Arashi, "just in case." In his first week of college at Keio, he learns about ceteris paribus, the concept that only one thing really changes at a time. It changes everything, comforts him. With his bandmates there, he realizes, things move a little more slowly, more controlled. He figures that as long as they are all together, he can handle the whole world changing. The important things will stay the same.

Nino and Ohno's relationship (or lack thereof) is as big of a joke for the band as it is for the fans. It's something they can't easily deny, but due to whatever factors they can't make it remotely "official". Sho gets a little bored one day and decides to make a few calculations. He knows their salaries, knows how cheap miserly Nino can be, knows the average price of a 1DK in Tokyo. He draws up a proposal for them, a potential budget. It's clearly doable and, what's more, practical. When he pulls out the folder and shares it during a recording session, Ohno turns bright red and Nino fairly doubles over with laughter, Aiba and Jun just smile.

It doesn't make it to the CD.

After every concert, Aiba wheedles and whinges, trying to get his bandmates to participate in what he calls "Ultimate Member Love". Sometimes they relent and the five of them climb into the shower together. It's cramped, but it makes Aiba, and therefore the whole group, happy. Sho notices after a while that he's always the last one Aiba approaches about it. Unlike the others, who apparently possess some sort of supernatural powers of Aiba-chan resistance, Sho can never say no. He excuses it--while Aiba scrubs his back--as a simple case of supply and demand. The more demand Aiba has for affectionate time with his bandmates, the more they should supply; potentially, with a higher supply, the value could go down. As Sho smudges suds from Aiba's cheek, he's glad that economics isn't always one hundred percent applicable.

Sho heard a scream. He was fairly sure Aiba was the only one who made that kind of noise, and as he was prone to strong reactions, it was often best just to ignore it.

Thirty seconds of silence...


Sho sighed and frowned slightly, bending back over his book. Sometimes he felt like the only one who got anything done at recordings...


Sho slipped a piece of paper into his textbook and glanced over at the door. "Guys. Could you stop for fifteen minutes?"

"SHO, SAVE ME!" That was Aiba's voice.

"Stop crying, it's not going to hurt." Jun.

"Much." An addition by Nino.

"Why is he scratching so much?" Apparently Ohno was in on it, too.

Sho, feeling ever the responsible one, rose from his seat and pushed the door open. On the floor was a screeching Aiba. Nino sat on Aiba's back; Ohno held Aiba's hands down. Jun was poised, crouching, in front of the whole scene, eyes intensely focused on eight unmarked nails and two sloppily colored ones.

"He just won't sit still," Jun said, taking the opportunity to sneak a bit of paint onto the next nail.


Sho looked them over for a moment, then closed his eyes, turned away, and walked straight out.

He really should have waited until he knew everything before tackling the issue at all.

arashi, sakurai sho, johnny's entertainment

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