In The Mirror--JE

Oct 03, 2007 01:18

Title: In The Mirror
Fandom: Johnny's Entertainment
Characters: Some Juniors from back when... You'll figure it out.
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Chibis don't belong to anyone! They're FREEEE! Fly chibis, fly away!
Summary: Their first big concert is harder on some than on others.
Notes: I don't know where this came from, and I'm sure the outfits are wholly inaccurate. I just really felt like writing chibis.

Backstage, behind the door that has printed names centered neatly upon it, there is a mirror.

The mirror seems impossibly long for such a small room, and the lighting is harsh, fluorescent, nothing like the warm multicolored lights of the stage.

Before it, reflected in it, are a handful of faces.

It isn't that they have designated places to be, and it isn't that there is nothing else to do in the room. It's that it is their big day, and they want everything to be perfect.

Looking down the line of boys, it is easy to see why they are in this particular room. They exude a confidence that most children their age do not. They have a certain manner about them, a certain way of moving. They have a certain way they look at each other, with smiles that barely shake despite the fluttering of their young hearts.

At one end of the mirror, two boys joke loudly, gesturing wildly as they put the finishing touches on their makeup and hair. They are carefree, at ease and ramping up for the performance.

Beside them, a quieter boy is focused intently on the mirror. Rather than worrying about his hair or makeup, he is staring straight ahead at his reflection, intense. A passer-by could correctly guess that he is playing a sort of mind game with himself. The loud boy to the right nudges him, and he whirls to the side, suddenly animated. A few shier boys, sitting in chairs and looking terrified, startle at the noise.

To the left of the boy who came instantly to life, another boy is dressed in black. He's smiling at the mirror as though it is the best day of his life. His eyes have a kind of shy sincerity to them, but his brilliant smile says far more about him. After a few moments, he quirks an eyebrow. Neatly manicured fingers reach up to tug at the messy spikes atop his head, for they must be arranged just so. Satisfied, he taps the counter lightly and glances around the room.

The boy beside him is frowning. He is bent close to the mirror, struggling with his makeup like a boy their age should. The boy in black watches him carefully, making every effort to look like he doesn't notice at all.

The frowning boy's face relaxes, and he seems resigned to the fact that his makeup will just have to do. Inside, really, he's comforting himself with the knowledge that only the cameras will be close enough to tell. He glances at his hair just as someone pops their head in for a fifteen minute warning. The frown reappears.

Across the room, the nervous boys hurriedly rise from their seats and bolt out the door. The two loud boys share one last riotous set of comments before strolling toward the door, energy and tension rising by the moment. The boy who had been staring intensely at his reflection lingers for a moment, waving to the boy in black, then exits with a triumphant cheer toward those who left before him.

Dressed in more silver than black, the boy who can't seem to stop frowning, can't seem to be satisfied, is staring in the mirror again, fingers mussing and rearranging his hair quickly. No matter what he does, he isn't satisfied. The boy in black sees an edge of panic in the frowning face.

With a smile, the boy in black reaches over and smoothes down the hair of the boy in silver. He pats the dark locks gently and moves closer to sling an arm around his friend. He leans his head in close and speaks with confidence.

"Hey, don't worry. We all look great. They're going to love us. We've worked too hard for this, okay?"


The frowning boy manages a smile at last, a silent thanks for the reaffirmation. The boy in black drops his arm down and heads for the door.

His partner follows.

Just in case it's not obvious--
-Loud boys: Hina and Yoko
-Staring boy: Subaru
-Boy in black: Takki
-Boy in silver: Tsubasa
-Shy boys: Uh. Take your pick of the other big Juniors. IDEK.

Apologies for writing so much lately. I hope you don't think I'm spammy or anything. I just need to post them to comms right after I do them or I'll completely forget to do so at all.

takizawa hideaki, shibutani subaru, kanjani8, johnny's junior, imai tsubasa, murakami shingo, tackey & tsubasa, johnny's entertainment, yokoyama yu

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