Title: The Man's Way
Series: Johnny's Entertainment
Characters: Shibutani Subaru, Yasuda Shota
Rating: G (fluff)
Disclaimer: Mine. I got them for Subaru's birthday. What?
Summary: Otokomae and Chimpanzee understand each other perfectly. No, really.
Notes: Inspired by the recent exchanges between Yasu and Subaru regarding soulmates and needing to talk. As a fangirl who lives on fluff, I couldn't help but force Yasu to read into it in my imagination.
What could they possibly have to talk about that would make Subaru so serious and sentimental? Yasu pondered the question all week. On some level, he really understood it completely.
On that level and more, though, he thought all that needed to say had already been said.
There was the first time they went shopping: Subaru ended up getting tired by mid-day and walked half the way to the train station with his head on Yasu's shoulder.
There was the first time they shared a hotel room: Yasu had a nightmare about killer zombie strawberries thanks to a late-night snack and awoke to find himself curled up on the edge of Subaru's bed, one of the singer's arms draped protectively around him.
There were all the times when they secretly went to the same cafe separately and waited for fangirls to notice before pretending to just see each other by chance.
And then there was the first time they kissed. It was a joke, and it got a good laugh from everyone. It was sloppy, rushed, barely maintained through waves of giggles. Subaru sat back a little afterward, and suddenly his brow furrowed. Yasu smiled his usual brilliant smile; Subaru mirrored it, and all was well.
That same night was their tentative second kiss, and then their third, fourth, on and on until they were both satisfied enough to head to their respective homes.
Yasu thought he saw it in the first kiss. He knew he saw it by the second. It was said, out between them, and there wasn't even a need to articulate what Yasu was certain they both knew. But Yasu, as secure and confident as he is, occasionally forgets that Subaru has his moments of being quite the shrinking violet.
The J-Web exchange led him, quite slowly, to a realization and a plan.
Subaru picked the date, asked to see Yasu in private after the tour was over, and Yasu obliged.
On the day, it was Yasu who showed up with flowers and a gift. He walked coolly up to Subaru, keeping up the facade just long enough to hand him the eight red carnations. With a broad grin, he flung his arms around Subaru, pressing his nose into the older man's hair and giggling softly.
"I knew all along, Shibuyan," he whispered before pulling back to give him a big, silly kiss on the cheek. "Let's race for our toothbrushes tomorrow," he added with a wink.
Subaru looked relieved, but he didn't miss a beat. "What are you talking about?" he screeched, "I just wanted to make you finally come shopping with me!"
Yasu yelped in surprise and outrage and finally managed to tsukkomi someone at the correct time.
That was how they'd always worked, anyway.