All You Need--JE

Jul 19, 2007 01:22

Title: All You Need
Series: Johnny's Entertainment
Characters: Matsumoto Jun
Rating: F for fluff.
Disclaimer: Nope, don't know him or anything.
Summary: Thanks to Johnny's, Jun learns what's really important in life. All you need is...
Notes: Written for the anonymeme. Inspired by the Beatles' "All You Need Is Love". As close to a songfic as I feel capable of writing. 431 words.

When he's still a Junior, Jun wonders why everyone can do the same things. He thinks to himself that all of his companions and friends are carefully molded and sculpted to be carbon copies of a standard set by Johnny and the sempai. He thinks it would be really neat if he could do something that nobody else could do.

Then he really gets into singing, and wonders why all the Juniors ever seem to do is covers. It's good and great to love and respect their sempai, but it feels so much better to do something that's just their own. He gets closer and closer to the boys he sings with. He's determined that there is something out there that only they can sing.

When people mock him mercilessly, it hurts. It wouldn't hurt as much, he thinks, if he could just say something back. The truth is, he can't. There's nothing he can say to quiet them; he doesn't have that sort of power. What he can do, and what he does, is learn to make himself into what they want to see.

Soon, Jun discovers that people like the new image, they'll tolerate him and even encourage him. He knows he's really still just a child, but he does his best to prove to the world that he is worthy of more attention and praise than anyone else. Somehow, though, he still feels like he can't make himself into exactly what they want.

Some things fall apart, pass away, and new things begin. Jun's first bit of time with Arashi is like being at home, he thinks fondly. Home, where people can laugh together, where people care for each other more than they care about themselves. Perhaps that's why Aiba's hospitalization hits him so hard. He wants to make everything stop until Aiba is fixed. He wants to save him, but he knows that he can't.

And, as more time passes, Jun realizes the change his friends have caused within him. Almost more precious than the deep bonds between the members is the personal growth of each of them. Jun looks in the mirror one morning, hand poised to smear his concealer, and he thinks that it's very possible to be completely comfortable just being himself.

He learns certain things: There's nothing Sho doesn't know that Jun knows. There's nothing he can bring to the table that isn't purely Jun. There's no place in the world that he belongs more than beside his best friends.

He has everything he needs, and the greatest of them all is love.

arashi, matsumoto jun, johnny's entertainment

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