
Jul 18, 2007 19:31

Title: Yesterday
Series: Johnny's Entertainment
Characters: Shibutani Subaru, Takizawa Hideaki, Imai Tsubasa
Rating: E for EMO.
Summary: Subaru never knew that such simple words could sting so much.
Disclaimer: NOT REAL, and probably completely factually inaccurate.
Notes: I would NEVER have touched this topic except that lege_nya requested it (sort of). It's probably dreadfully inaccurate, and I apologize for that. I was given a chance to flex my emo muscles and I did. It's jark in my soul. Inspired by the Beatles' "Yesterday". 755 words.

It was a pretty busy restaurant, busier than Subaru was used to. But it was definitely the place they'd said.

He ducked in and glanced around. When his eyes lit upon his friends, he actually smiled, a big, genuine smile that he always saved just for them. He could have sworn they looked a little nervous as he bounded over to the table. Maybe there was something coming up on the show that he didn't know about...

"What's up, guys?" he asked casually, sliding into the booth.

His eyes instinctively flicked down to the menu, so he missed Takki's sideways glance at Tsubasa. Subaru hummed cheerfully to himself while he scanned the menu, somehow oblivious that the two boys across from him were dead silent. And grim, he finally discovered when he emerged from the menu: "You know, I'll just get my usu--what?"

Takki looked down. Tsubasa looked to his right, at the wall.

Subaru smiled nervously. "What's up? Seriously. You guys look like you're about to tell me you're quitting or something." He was joking, completely joking, but somehow his words caused Tsubasa to make a sort of horrendous choking noise that he hurriedly tried to cover with his right hand. (And, Subaru couldn't see it, but at that same instant Takki gripped Tsubasa's left hand tighter under the table.)

"I mean," Subaru continued, "I know we joke about how hard it is backstage, but you're not... actually quitting, are you? I was just kidding." He felt a little frantic and he tried not to let it show.

"No, we're not quitting," Takki said, forcing a brilliant smile. Subaru knew in that instant that something was truly wrong. Takki never gave him the camera smile. Never.

Tsubasa's eyes were locked on the table in front of him. He hadn't said a word.

"We're..." Takki began, sounding for all Subaru could tell as if he was desperately searching for the words to tell someone of a friend's death. (There was that noise from Tsubasa again. This time he tipped his head upward and blinked rapidly.) Subaru tried to keep smiling.

"I think it's time... I think... That is to say, we're..." (It was the hardest thing Takki had ever said.) "It's probably just going to be the two of us from now on."

"Two?" Subaru pointed to himself, then to Takki, raising an eyebrow.

"No. Us." Takki tilted his head toward Tsubasa, who finally looked eerily calm.

"Oh." Subaru felt his face fall, he knew he was showing it, but it was so hard to hide the fact that it felt like a ton of bricks had just hit him in the chest. "Johnny-san...?"

"No. Well, yes, but... We've talked about it." (The more he said, the easier it got, Takki realized. Once it was out there, it was hard to stop.)

"Ah." And the ton of bricks turned into a resonating gunshot through Subaru's body, some faintly-hidden hope suddenly completely destroyed. They've talked about it? Without me? Did I do something wrong? Did I say something? He wouldn't show it. Subaru mirrored Takki's earlier smile with his best half-crazed camera face. "Good luck!"

Tsubasa's head snapped up and he looked at Subaru. "I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry. Please don't hate me."

His words had the opposite effect. Subaru's heart ached and his mind started turning at a million miles an hour. Hate wasn't the right word. Betrayal. Abandonment. Something.

"Hey, you guys probably want to talk about stuff, right?" Subaru's tone was even. Calm. "I'll just leave you to it. But, hey, thanks for telling me before Johnny-san. You know, just a letter or something. It's much easier in person." He tried hard to not sound bitter, but he simply spat out the last phrase.

His calmness wore thin as he slid out of the booth and headed for the door. He walked down the street toward the train station. Before he realized what was going on, he was running, and then he was running into people and tripping and falling, and tears were streaming down his face and some sort of inhuman noise was trying to wrench itself from his throat.

Suddenly he was at the station and his head hurt, and his body ached, and he didn't know how he found the wall that he collapsed against but he was so glad that he did. His body shook violently, wracked with sobs that he steadily fought to suppress. Nobody stopped. Nobody noticed.

Why couldn't it just be yesterday again?

takizawa hideaki, shibutani subaru, kanjani8, imai tsubasa, tackey & tsubasa, johnny's entertainment

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