Title: Two untitled drabbles
Series: Johnny's Entertainment
Disclaimer: Not mine, not real, etc., though the K8 one is plausible.
Notes: Written for the
anonymeme. The Arashi drabble is for
Characters: Kanjani8
Rating: G
Summary: Kanjani8 bonds.
"You can't sing that at a concert." Subaru's face falls at Hina's words.
"Why not?" Subaru protests.
"Well, it's just a little..." Maru begins.
"What's the word?" Ohkura looks at his bandmates.
"Awful," Ryo supplies.
"There's really not that much wrong with it," Yasu chimes in.
"It's just that we're trying to run a family act, here," Yoko finishes.
Subaru's eyes narrow as he looks around the circle, glaring at each of them in turn. He finally settles on Yoko's face. Letting the guitar rest on his lap, he raises one steady finger and points directly at the older man. "YOU'RE ONE TO TALK!"
Characters: Ohno Satoshi, Aiba Masaki
Rating: R
Summary: Ohno gives in to Aiba's curiosity.
Ohno was a slow learner, sometimes. He was used to Aiba making the whole band shower together, was used to Aiba nodding off on people's shoulders, was used to Aiba crawling into his bed and nudging him out of it as the night progressed. They were all used to that sort of thing.
They were used to Aiba's crazy experiments, too. He always had some sort of a new, zany idea, and he was eager to get his best friends to participate (or, as they saw it, be guinea pigs).
Ohno supposed he should be used to Aiba the pervert, Aiba the mad scientist, Aiba the endless fountain of crazy ideas. So, really, he supposed he shouldn't be so shocked.
It was hard to remember that it was Aiba-chan's fault that he was tied to a bed, blindfolded, and wincing against whatever that warm, thick liquid was pouring over his chest. Harder to remember still when Aiba hummed softly and licked it off.